Page 2 of Healing Hearts

Frustrated, Gene pulled out his phone again. “Where is that ambulance?”

“It’s a minute out, doctor. Can you tell me what’s happening?”

“The driver’s still unconscious. She has a bleeding gash on her forehead. It looks like she hit it on the door window. I haven’t moved her in case she injured her spine. I need a neck brace.”

The sounds of sirens finally reached Gene. “I hear them.”

The woman groaned in pain.

“She’s waking up,” Gene updated the operator. “Ma’am, don’t move. You were in a car accident. You hit your head.”

The woman didn’t listen and turned her head to face him, her eyes half-closed.

“I’m Dr. Rowland. Hold still until help arrives, okay? Can you tell me where you hurt?”

“Ugh, my head,” she mumbled.

“Can you open your eyes?” he asked.

Nodding, her eyelids slowly lifted. Gene couldn’t be absolutely sure in the current condition, but her pupils seemed to adjust to the light coming from the arriving emergency vehicles.

That’s a good sign.

He held her hand. “Can you tell me your name?”

“Amanda,” she whispered.

Gene smiled at her. “Hi, Amanda. You’re gonna be okay.”

Accident. Doctor. Help.

Ugh, what is happening?

Her vision focused for a moment when the voice prompted her to open her eyes. She made out sharp concerned eyes, a face shadowed by more than a five o’clock stubble and dusk before everything spun.

“You’re gonna be okay,” the voice said.

It didn’t feel like it. Something warm was running down her face, and she tentatively brushed it off with her hand. It felt sticky.


“Hold on.” The man crouching over her took his shirt off, leaving him in a dark T-shirt. “You have a cut on your head. I’m gonna put pressure on it to slow down the bleeding.” He jumbled the shirt and pushed it against her head. His words explained the throbbing pain in her head. The past few minutes loaded back into her jostled brain, and she gasped as she remembered. “Don’t move. The paramedics are coming,” the man said gently.

“Did I hit her?” she demanded, as her head cleared.

“Hit who?” he said, his voice rose in alarm.

“The girl.”

Amanda felt her limbs again and fumbled with the latch of her seatbelt.

“Hey, take it easy,” he urged. “What girl, Amanda?”

“She was running down the road. She came out of nowhere.”

Amanda released herself from the restraint and pushed his hand off her head.

“Let me out.”