Except by the time I was sitting in front of him, my brain was a jumbled mess again, and I couldn’t remember what I wanted to ask.

“Beckett will be here in a minute,” Cortney announced as he stepped into the exam room and shut the door behind him. “He’s trying to get confirmation that we’ll have Potters called up by tomorrow.”

I nodded.

But why was he in here?

Heck, why was I in here? I had been trying hard to pay attention to what the doc was saying, but I was too focused on the trainer he’d introduced as Rory. Because Rory hadn’t stopped glaring at me since the doc asked if I remembered her. She seemed familiar, but I couldn’t place how. I’d never seen her around the stadium, I don’t think, but apparently, she had been out on the field with me when I came to.

Like I said, the last twelve hours were really fuzzy.

“You can’t be alone. Not for the next few days. Maybe longer,” Doc said as Beckett stepped into the room, wearing his signature scowl.

The words registered. Was he shitting me? So I’d be stuck with a babysitter for the foreseeable future?

“You can come back to my house.” Cortney took a step to the side as Beckett stepped up next to him.

Nope. That was not happening. I shook my head and was instantly hit with a stabbing pain in my temples. Shit. Grasping my head, I ducked and squeezed my eyes shut.

“No offense, but with all the shit going on in your house, it registered somewhere between a circus and an insane asylum.”

“Dude—” Cortney started.

“He’s not wrong.” Beckett smirked.

“The car ride alone left my head pounding.” I glanced up at Beckett. “I doubt your house is any better since half the people in the car live with you.”

“Good thing I’m not offering, then.” Beckett’s scowl was back.

“I’ll stay with one of the guys.” I shrugged.

Neither Emerson nor Bosco would mind. Even Damiano would let me hang with him and Avery.

Beckett roughed a hand down his face. “We’re all about to get on a plane, remember?”

“What? Why?” I blinked, searching my memory for plans I’d made to leave Boston. Was I going back to California to see my parents?

Beckett cocked his head to the side, and Cortney let out a loud sigh.

What was I forgetting?

When it finally dawned on me, my stomach sank. “We have a six-day road stretch.”

They nodded in unison.

I lifted one shoulder. Even if I wasn’t cleared to play, I could still tag along, right? “I’ll just go with the team.”

Beckett narrowed his eyes and lowered his chin. “You’re not flying on day one of a concussion.”

“Correct. The pressure changes could have negative effects on the swelling,” Dr. Anderson agreed.

“Then what do you suggest I do?”

“Issues like this are one of the many reasons we have training staff.” Beckett turned to Rory. “You’re neck and shoulders, right? He can stay with you.”

Her eyes widened, and her face went pale. For an instant, her attention snapped to me, but then she turned back to Beckett. “I—um…”

“You have to rehab his shoulder anyway. It makes sense.”