Page 28 of Back Together Again

“Bothering ya, huh? Need to go back to Rory?” Bosco chuckled and cocked one brow. “Didn’t you just tell her it was good?”

“It is. I mean it was.” I pinched the bridge of my nose. “Look, I have a headache. Leave me alone.”

“Uh-huh. Rory gonna help with that too?”

I dropped my hands to my sides and balled them into fists, homing in on Bosch. “Leave her alone.”

Instead of clapping back, he stood there, his eyes running over me. He crossed his arms and rocked back on his heels, finally looking away.

“Fuck, you’re almost as moody as Damiano now.” Martinez shook his head, and the rest of the guys chuckled.

“I hate you all,” Damiano mumbled. “I’m not going out either. Going back to the room and calling Avery.”

“Then I’m definitely going out,” Asher said. “I have no interest in sticking around for that I love you more, no I love you more shit.”

“Keep Avery out of whatever this is.” Damiano shot Asher a glare.

Coach Wilson strode by then, letting out a long sigh, and headed straight for the exit. He did his best to stay out of anything between Dragon and Avery. The man hated drama.

Despite the moodiness Martinez had commented on, I couldn’t help but laugh. I really did like these guys. Though Bosco was all of a sudden watching me a bit too knowingly. Like he might be just as clued in as I was beginning to think Miller was.

Dragon spent all of last season winning Avery over. He’d never kept his efforts a secret from us, so although we razzed him about it endlessly, we had his back and kept what we knew from Coach.

But this was different. The concern here wasn’t that hooking up with Aurora would piss off Coach Wilson. No. The risk was to her job. So I had to be more diligent about keeping this under wraps. Even the guys couldn’t know. Regardless of how much I trusted them, the more people who knew, the bigger the chance that someone would let a detail slip, and that would be it. If we could make it through the season without being discovered, then we’d figure out our next steps. But the one thing that was certain was that I wouldn’t let her go.

By the time we got back to the hotel and I got Emerson out of the room, I was crawling out of my skin. Now she was almost half an hour late, and I was sitting on the edge of my mattress, my knee bouncing, holding my phone in my hand, telling myself not to send yet another text. When the knock finally echoed around the room, I sprang off the bed like a kangaroo and darted for the door.

“You’re late.” I tugged her into the room. As the door slammed, I pinned her against the wall and ran my nose up her neck, inhaling her scent. “Thought you might’ve changed your mind.” Now that she was in my arms, the tension that had coiled so tight inside me eased. The sneaking around should be hot and fun, but keeping our relationship a secret was stressing me out. I constantly felt like I was on the edge of losing her.

She shook her head, raking her nails up my back. “Sorry, I had to go out to dinner with Anderson, Miller, and Langfield. They needed assurances, again, that you’re okay.”

With my face buried in the crook of her neck, I cupped her ass and lifted her.

“Although,” she chuckled, “if they could see you now, then they would know the shoulder is fine.”

I pressed my lips against hers, savoring the taste of her on my tongue, then carried her to the bed.

“Someone’s in a hurry.” She arched back and wiggled from side to side in my arms.

I pulled her close again. I hadn’t had nearly enough of her, and I needed to feel her body pressed to mine. Heat consumed me as her soft breasts met the hard plane of my chest. I skated my lips down the soft skin of her neck, lost in her scent and her warmth, and when I pressed them into the hollow behind her ear, she shivered.

“You wouldn’t see me last night.” I nipped gently at her flesh. Fuck, I’d missed her. Being without her had left me with this itchy need to prove to myself that she was still mine.

“We’re not going to be able to see each other every night.”

I pulled away and scoffed. “Why not?” My heart hammered in my chest, and not just because I was turned on. No, suddenly, trepidation and frustration were threatening to take over. Was this not what she wanted? Because being with her, totally, completely, was sure as shit what I was working toward.

“It’s not realistic.” She lowered her chin, letting her hair hide her face. “We either spend forever hiding this or one of us has to leave the Revs. And if that happens, there’s a good chance one of us will have to move, and that scenario will come with its own set of problems.”

My heart lurched as I took in the gorgeous woman below me. Fuck. Were those our only choices? To hide or to spend our days apart? No. There had to be a better solution, and one we could come up with soon.

“How about, for now, we put those thoughts aside and enjoy the moment?” she suggested, slipping her hands under my T-shirt.

I helped her pull the shirt over my head, then captured her lips again. “Hell, yes. I’ll enjoy every moment I have with you. Nothing makes me happier than hearing you moan my name.”

I cuffed the back of her neck and lowered my face to hers. I had no issue getting to be the one who gave her pleasure.

Soft, plush lips pressed against mine briefly before I ran my tongue along her bottom lip, coaxing her to open for me.