Page 38 of Back Together Again

“You want me to work for the Bolts?” My mind whirled. Seriously? I almost couldn’t believe it.

“Is that what you want?” Mason turned me to face him.

There was no stopping the smile that split my face. “That’s what I’ve always wanted, to work for a hockey team. I would love that.”

He ducked, surveying me closely. “Are you sure?”

“Absolutely.” I nodded.

He turned back to face Cortney and Beckett. “Then there’s no issue with us being together? Because she’s moving in with me.”

All the air left my lungs. “What?” We’d never even talked about moving in together.

His eyes were so full of love when they met mine. “Maybe not today. But eventually, yes, you’re moving in with me. Then I’ll propose, and then we’re gonna get married and have five kids.”

I was still processing his ridiculous statements when he addressed Cortney again. “So is that all okay, even if she works for the Bolts?”

This man. I couldn’t hold back the laugh that bubbled out of me. He was being ridiculous, but he was adorably ridiculous.

“I don’t have a problem with it. I love love.” Beckett smiled, his chest puffed out proudly. “See? My matchmaking skills have come in handy again.”

Cortney sighed and hung his head. “Yeah, Beckett.”

“You, Shay, Delia, Avery…”

“Not sure how you get credit for Avery?—”

“Oh, come on. It was all because of me.”

“Actually,” Mason chimed in, “pretty sure it was because of Puff.”

“Anyway.” Cortney shook his head. “We’re all good. We’ll have you sign some paperwork, and then we’ll get everything transferred over and have you start…” Cortney glanced up at Beckett.

“Next week,” Beckett said, slipping his hands into his pockets.

Cortney made a choking sound in response.

Beckett shot him a disapproving look. “Why couldn’t she start next week?”

“Shouldn’t you check with your brothers?” Cortney prompted.

“No. I don’t ask for their permission.” Beckett shrugged. “I’ll get everything taken care of.”

“See?” Mason whispered against my ear. “I told you I would make it happen.”

Maybe. Or maybe, all along, we were meant to be back together again.

“Did you really skate headfirst into the glass? Like no one pushed you?” I stood in front of Aiden Langfield, the center for the Bolts, as he turned his head slowly from one side to the other, careful not to go too fast. The team doctor had already assessed him for a concussion and determined that it was mild, but he could still play. Hockey players were crazy like that. I just needed to make sure he hadn’t injured anything in his neck or shoulders when he went full-on into the glass of his own accord. And not even during the game.

He shrugged. “Shit happens.”

Everyone joked that nothing bothered Aiden. And injury was nothing new to the man. Beckett was right when he said these guys hit their heads all the damn time. Between that and their neck and shoulder issues from the constant stick work, they kept me busy. But I’d loved the transition to the Bolts. The sound of the door opening caught my attention, and I turned to see Beckett step into the small training room, crossing his arms as he stared at his little brother.

“Doc says you have a mild concussion. You can’t stay alone and Jill’s out of town. We need to find someone for you to stay with to monitor it.” He looked at me like I had the answer to that problem.

Oh no. Although Mason’s concussion did bring us back together again, babysitting another professional sports player was not on my to-do list. And Mason’s season had just ended, so I was enjoying us both being home together every night.

“Good thing there are so many of you Langfields.” Surely one of Aiden’s four siblings could babysit.