Page 1 of Wrath



In the quiet sanctuary of my bedroom, I lay across the expansive king-sized bed, eagerly awaiting the harmonious tones of the large grandfather clock nestled in the corner of our foyer. The gentle hues of pink and lavender serve as a poignant reminder of the little girl I'm in the process of outgrowing. As the clock edges closer to the midnight hour, the beckoning call of adulthood looms over me. Anxious tension courses through my veins, threatening to overwhelm me. With my twenty-first birthday quickly approaching, I find myself at a crossroads, determined to express my aspirations that deviate sharply from the predetermined path of my family's legacy.

My family's history is entangled in a dark tapestry woven with elements of crime, death, and menace. The Rinaldi Family Empire passed down through generations, is a lineage I am reluctant to embrace. While my father is excited to involve me more deeply in his business affairs, I loathe the impending conversation, fully aware that he will attempt to coerce and guilt me into continuing the family tradition. What I yearn for is simplicity – marriage, children, and a career in software development. Despite the tempting proposition of escaping with my boyfriend, Domenico, who is familiar with our unconventional way of life, the idea frightens me. There would be nowhere in the world for us to escape my father. My awareness of the abnormality within my family traces back to the tender age of five. An evening at La Gondola, our favored restaurant, unfolded a peculiar episode when an unfamiliar man approached our table, leveling threats at my father.

Oblivious to the unfolding drama at that young age, several of my "uncles" rose from their tables and dragged the man from the restaurant. While my father excused himself from our table, my mother's disconcerted expression hinted at concealed truths. Attempting to divert my attention with discussions about the upcoming celebration of my birthday, she couldn't conceal the unease lurking beneath. My eyes were glued to the door until my father returned, bearing the visible signs of a physical altercation – his hand bruised and bloodied. Instead of concealing it, he taught me my first lesson on the consequences faced by those who dare threaten a Rinaldi. Witnessing my mother's distress, she pleaded with my father for more time, deeming me too young to be ensnared in the life she vehemently rejected – the life of the mafia. Back then, I never understood my mother's constant tears, but I'm well-versed in them now. From that pivotal night onward, my father initiated my training for assuming control of the family legacy upon reaching maturity, emphasizing destiny, and expressing pride at the prospect of a Rinaldi woman challenging the established order.

At the age of fourteen, I had already mastered the art of handling firearms and effortlessly taking down opponents larger than my petite stature. My father, much to the dismay of the rest of the family, took it upon himself to train me to protect myself and prepare me to be the head of the family upon his death. The prospect of my father meeting an early demise caused an ache in my heart but it's an unfortunate possibility when you're a Rinaldi. Among those disapproving was Antonio, my father's Consigliere, better known as Tony within the family. Despite being only eleven years my senior, Tony's exceptional abilities had earned him the prestigious position of my father's right-hand man. His quick thinking and prowess came to the forefront when, at the age of nineteen, he saved my father from being executed by a member of the rival Beneventi Family.

For over two decades, Carlo Beneventi had been a persistent adversary, envious of my family's fortunes. Despite recent periods of peace, an undercurrent of tension has always persisted. Carlo harbored a deep-seated resentment towards my family, primarily fueled by our prosperity. My father, a shrewd and unorthodox businessman, had crafted a life of opulence through strategic connections and business savvy. Although my mother preferred to remain blissfully ignorant, rejecting the idea of exposing her children to the complexities of the mafia lifestyle, her pleas fell on deaf ears. My father, emphasizing the importance of preserving the family legacy, constantly reminded her that the luxuries we enjoyed came with a price. While my mother argued against the notion of needing protection every time we stepped out of the house, she found herself compelled to follow my father's lead for the sake of our family's safety.

Navigating the challenges of being raised in a mafia household has been a difficult journey. Despite my father allowing me to be with Domenico, the prospect of assuming responsibility for so many lives has never been my aspiration. Carlo Beneventi, Domenico's father, was reluctant to let us continue our relationship. However, one undeniable factor was that our involvement allowed both families to maintain a vigilant watch over one another. We've shared family dinners and witnessed our fathers engage in peace talks instead of tense-filled confrontations that could escalate to bloodshed. It's certainly not a life I wish to raise my future children in.

My father and I have had several heated discussions about my future as a Rinaldi. They've always ended with me storming up to my room and my mother trying to reason with him. I thought that as long as I endured his rigorous training and boring meetings, he would at least meet me halfway, but any idea other than me taking over the family went in one ear and out the other. I suppose my anger at this fueled my veins because, on more than one occasion, I've sent a training partner to the hospital. My father would applaud those moments and reward me by adding more money to my allowance.

As I turn twenty-one, I hope that my father begins to see me as an adult with a clear sense of purpose, rather than treating me like a clueless child. Interestingly, my younger brother Luca, at just fifteen, displays a greater inclination towards leading the family than I ever have. Despite his potential, my father doubts his capabilities due to his reluctance to delve into the business side, where high-grade weapons and drugs play pivotal roles.

Recently, I found myself at a meeting alongside my father, negotiating a deal with a supplier in Columbia. Surprisingly, the supplier was impressed with my negotiating skills and even proposed marriage, envisioning the combined empires of our families. My father rejected the offer, emphasizing that he would never relinquish control of the Rinaldi Empire. However, the deal I orchestrated brought significant financial gains and filled my father with pride. Ironically, my business success seems to overshadow my personal needs, as my father now solely focuses on discussing business matters in my presence, leaving no room for the personal opinions I need from him concerning my life as a woman.

When seeking guidance from my mother, her advice is often limited. She expressed her disdain for my impending role as the family head and recognized that any attempt to alter my father's decision was futile. Despite her efforts in past arguments advocating against my shouldering this responsibility, she faced reproach and occasional admonishment, as though she were a child. While my father has never physically harmed my mother, his words have consistently wounded more deeply than any physical blow ever could.

Gabriella Rinaldi, a resilient woman, initially married my father with strength, but over time, she adapted to the Rinaldi way of life. To project an image of an upstanding family, my mother leads several charities and a non-profit dedicated to aiding homeless families. This fulfilled her in many ways and gave her a sense of purpose. Upon turning eighteen, my mother emphasized the importance of maintaining my core identity and staying true to myself, especially as I would be working more closely with my father. Little did I know that within a few years, I would discover who Liliana Rinaldi truly is.



I startle at the initial chime as the clock strikes midnight, jolting me from my thoughts. My chest flutters with a mix of emotions until the twelfth chime concludes, marking my formal entry into adulthood. While some argue that turning twenty-one doesn't inherently make one an adult, my life experiences defy that notion. In my world, I've witnessed things beyond the ordinary, shaping my perspective despite my young age. I've grown accustomed to the perils of the mafia lifestyle, accepting it as an integral part of my upbringing. Taking a deep breath, I reach for the silk robe resting at the foot of my bed and make my way to the chaise beneath the bay window. From there, I enjoy a perfect view of the full moon illuminating the early morning sky.

The shadowy figures moving across the grounds, safeguarding my family as we sleep, have become a familiar sight. Yet, I can't help but yearn for a semblance of normalcy, a life without the constant need for protection. Gradually, I've accepted this as my reality, realizing that the ordinary existence I desire remains out of reach… for now. As I prepare for graduate school in the upcoming fall, my father will not relent on my bodyguard accompanying me. Since I’ll be traveling to England to attend Oxford, the trade-off is relinquishing some freedom; my guardian accompanies me to every class and stays within arm's reach during social events. It may not be the freedom I envisioned, but it goes beyond the restrictions placed on me during my undergraduate years.

Domenico is not happy about me going away but he understands my need to explore life away from Chicago. Besides, it’s only for two years and I’ll be home during the holidays. Speak of the devil, his custom ringtone sounds and I hurry across the room to grab it from the nightstand.

“Hello, my love,” I answer.

Instead of saying hello back, he serenades me with the “Happy Birthday” song. The velvety tone of his voice brings a smile to my face and warmth to my heart. He’s always very thoughtful and finds little ways to lighten the stressful life we live. When the song concludes, I can’t help but release a sigh of contentment.

“Happy birthday, my sweet Lili,” he says.

“Thank you Nico,” I reply as I lay across my bed and imagine he’s here with me.

“Are you excited about our date this weekend?”

“More than excited,” I respond. Getting to spend some much-needed alone time with Nico will make my birthday perfect. Like my father, his father, Carlo has tried to interfere with our plans and make our lives miserable. Truth be told, it’s because of their need to control everyone’s lives.

The preparations for my party have been underway for the past six months, covering everything from flowers and catering to decorations. The guest list is finalized, and only a few remaining details need attention. The celebration is scheduled for a week from this Saturday, so Domenico and I planned a private celebration of our own. Despite initial disapproval from my father, my mother managed to convince him to allow me some alone time with my boyfriend. While we've had secretive moments in the past, eluding our bodyguards, I felt it was time to outgrow those childish games at my age. Although my father has accumulated enemies over the years, there hasn't been a significant threat to our family in over a decade. With the Rinaldis and Beneventis in a state of peace, we’re as safe as we can be.

“Our hotel reservation is confirmed, and instead of venturing out, I thought we could indulge in some room service. How does that sound?”

“Sounds perfect! I can’t wait to be in your arms again, Nico,” I whisper into the phone.

“Is that so?” he asks, his voice taking on a seductive tone.

“Yes, it's been over two months since we've had some alone time. Don't you want to be alone with me, Nico?”

“Of course, I want to be alone with you again. Just teasing you, Lili.”