The venue Ethan and Serenity chose wasn’t bad. It was just a good half hour away. Plenty of miles to put a chill on the food being catered, and there are also enough miles to have a breakdown or get lost. The actual venue wasn’t horrible if you wanted extra rustic. The owners had stripped an old barn down to its barebones, making it almost like a pergola. It stood in the middle of a field of wildflowers, which Jack had to admit smelled fantastic with its hints of honey and vanilla.

If this was his closest competitor, there was no way he was going to lose business. Of course, there would be brides who wanted this sort of wedding, but they’d stay at his place. He’d make it as warm and as inviting as humanly possible. Give them no way to resist the charm and beauty of the area.

He forced the thoughts away and smiled as he followed Jo to the table. They were celebrating his brother getting married, and Jack could figure out his business plan later.

Jack had to hand it to Jo. Her ability to switch into professional mode was impressive. She’d smile, even at him, like there was nothing wrong at all. Even after taking pictures, she conversed with people, including him, as though they’d never argued.

As the wedding party was finishing lunch, Jack wiped his mouth and stood. Ethan gave him a puzzled look.

Jack tipped his head toward the front of the venue. “I have a wedding gift for you.”

“A gift?” asked Serenity. “You didn’t have to do that.”

“I know.” He smiled. “I just hope you like it. If you don’t, it’s okay. It won’t hurt my feelings.” Not entirely true, but it was her wedding, and if the arch didn’t fit with what she wanted, he would understand. He glanced at Jo, and for the first time since their argument, he could swear he saw pride in her eyes.

“Come on, it’s over here.”

Ethan and Serenity stood and followed him, and the rest of the party quickly joined them. When Jack reached the arch, he pulled the furniture blankets off. His heart was in his throat. After failing to sell his furniture, he had to admit, he was a little—okay, a lot—anxious.

Ethan’s jaw hung open as he circled the arch. “Oh, man. Jack, you carved that? When?”

“I did.” He looked at Ethan. “Honestly, I knew by the second date that you’d eventually ask her to marry you, but I started working on it about six months ago. I could just feel it coming.”

Serenity approached it, one hand to her mouth and the other, inches away as she walked around it. “Jack…” She swallowed hard. “This is amazing. I’m not sure I have words. It’s one of the nicest, most precious things anyone has ever given me.” She turned to Ethan. “I worried that your family might not completely want me, especially after I lied and let you think I was someone else. Plus, I come with paparazzi, weird filming schedules, and a host of other annoyances. I?—”

Their mom rushed forward and gathered her in her arms. “Sweetheart, we are thrilled to have you in our family.” She leaned back. “You just wanted to be sure Ethan loved you because of you and not because you are famous. I—we,” she said and looked at their dad. “We understand. Ethan loves you, and we love you.”

In the background, Jack caught Jo snapping shots. He suspected his soon-to-be sister would love to know that the moment was caught for memory’s sake.

“I’m assuming that you would like it at the wedding then?” Jack asked, attempting to infuse a little humor in the moment.

Laughing, Serenity nodded and took a tissue from Zoey, her maid of honor. “Thank you,” Serenity said, dabbing her eyes. “And yes, I would love it.” She stepped closer to Ethan and hugged him around the chest. “I just love it.”

“I don’t even… it’s really incredible. The detail is amazing.” Ethan smiled. My big brother, the almost-pro footballer, is now an artist. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

There were more questions about the arch which led to questions about other works he’d created. There were even requests to visit the shop to see his other creations. The emotions he experienced were mixed and not so easily identified. Happiness, excitement, and fulfillment, among others, he couldn’t quite put a finger on.

Jack was actually relieved when the minister arrived, and the attention was diverted back to Ethan and Serenity. They practiced everything from walking to taking their places. The men had it much easier than the women. Escorting the mothers of the bride and groom and then standing at the front with the groom. All eyes would be on them, but they wouldn’t be entering the venue and then having everyone watch them as they walked the aisle.

All in all, it took roughly an hour to go over everything to the satisfaction of everyone who was involved. Once they were finished and Jo had put away her camera, she caught Jack and pulled him to the side.

“I’m still not really talking to you.”

“But you are.”

She rolled her eyes. “I just wanted to say I told you so. I knew she would love it, and I knew once people saw how talented you are, they would want more.” She lifted her nose a little. “I’m proud of you. That arch is beautiful, and it’s going to make their wedding even more special. The photos are going to be fantastic.”

He rubbed the back of his neck. “Thanks.”

“Okay.” She turned to leave, and he caught her.

“Jo, I wasn’t trying to argue with you earlier. Really. I just… I don’t understand why you hate this place so much.”

“You wouldn’t. You have two amazing parents and a brother who loves you.”

“You have a grandmother who loves you.” His heart skipped a beat. “People…people who love you.”