Or a rat could get in.

Still, the thought of Grandma moving to New York and living with her certainly did change her adamant stance against even hearing the offer. She hated the idea of selling, but what if she was being selfish?

Her grandma was getting older, and the house was huge. How much longer could Jo reasonably expect her to take care of that house? What if something happened and she hurt herself? What then?

Jo would never forgive herself.

Suddenly, the meeting didn’t sound bad at all, especially if it meant having her grandma in New York with her.

Her heart felt light for all of two seconds.


If her grandma sold the house, there would never be another reason to return to Wishing Well. Jo would probably never see him again.

That didn’t sit well with her at all.

A future with no Jack? The finality of it. Sure, she’d kept him at arm’s length, but that was what? Two or three feet? Putting it in terms like no future made her heart hurt. Could she handle seeing him with someone else?

The thought knocked the wind out of her. The pull he had was growing stronger, and whether she wanted to admit it or not, she more than liked him. He terrified her though. Opening herself up to being abandoned and tossed aside.

Forcing the thoughts down, she concentrated on what her grandma needed. What was best for her? She’d have more clarity after the meeting with Craig tomorrow.

Until then, everything was on hold.



Jack breached the surface of the water and shook the water from his hair. If his mom hadn’t insisted on having a heater installed in the pool when he and Ethan were kids, it’d be much too chilly to swim. May in Texas was weather roulette. You could start the day in a coat, be melting by noon, and looking at snow by dinner.

Shielding his eyes from the sun, he strode over to Ethan, who sat on the steps waist-deep in water and took a seat next to him.

As far as bachelor parties went, Ethan’s was… well, Jack wouldn’t call it a party. His brother, two friends, and no alcohol or women in sight. In his college days, he wouldn’t have called this a party. A get-together, maybe, but a party? No. He'd sworn off parties years ago and had no intention of changing that now.

The sound of feet rapidly hitting concrete brought him out of his thoughts just in time to watch Booker hit the diving board and then belly flop. A wave of water sprayed in all directions, giving rise to loud grumbling.

To say Jack was surprised to see Booker in Wishing Well was an understatement. He’d made it clear when he left that he wasn’t returning. He’d graduated the year after Jack. All Jack knew was that he’d had a tumultuous relationship with a girl, and he’d vowed never to return.

“Ooohhhh, that had to hurt!” Ruger Jennings called out.

Booker broke the surface, a patch of red skin growing.

“Ouch,” Jack said, nodding to it. “You okay?”

“Yeah.” He covered the spot with his hand. “But next time, I’ll have better aim. If there’s a next time.”

Ethan laughed. “My fiancée will kill me if I do anything to damage any part of my body, especially my face.”

Jack scoffed. “She’d wait on you hand and foot and come after us for letting it happen.”

His brother grinned. “She’d still have words for me.”

“And tar and feathers for the rest of us.”

Ethan laughed. “You might be right.”

Ruger grabbed a bottle of tea from the cooler and took a seat in one of the chaise lounges stationed poolside. “No might about it.”