What counterargument could Jack offer? Nothing. He couldn’t even throw out an offer that would even come close to competing with a major land developer wealthy enough to hire attorneys like Craig. Plus, as much as he hated it, if they sold the property to someone like that, it’d be a huge windfall. Charlie could find a smaller place, travel, and never have to worry about funds again. Jo could maybe quit her magazine job and focus on her photography.

Jack tucked the card in his jeans pocket. “No promises.”

“Understood.” Craig gave a mock salute and took a few steps. He paused and turned slightly. “I saw the way you were looking at Jo, and there’s been talk… Jo is sweet. Don’t be stupid like I was. If there’s a chance, take it. She’s worth it.”

With that, he carried on down the path, leaving Jack with a torrent of thoughts.

First, their conversation. If Jack kept it to himself, he’d feel like it was a betrayal. If he told Charlie and Jo, he worried they’d think he was going behind their back.

Things were already strained with Jo. Did he want to risk making it worse? Especially when he had feelings for her. It didn’t matter that she was leaving. His heart was already invested.

But moving.

What if he gave up everything, moved to New York, and it didn’t work out? She’d have her life, but where would his be? They’d only known each other for two weeks. That wasn’t enough time to gauge if a relationship would work out.

Taking a deep breath, he closed his eyes and slowly organized his chaotic thoughts. He needed to tell them about Craig. If they were mad, then so be it. His conscience would be clear.

He turned to the well, looked around, and then leaned in. “I wish… I wish for love for me and Jo. If that means we’re together, great. If that means we find someone else, that’s okay, too. I want to be happy, and I want her to be happy.” The wish complete, he dropped the penny in the well and strode in the direction of his pickup.


Jack knocked on Charlie and Jo’s front door, paused, and knocked again.

The door swished open, and for a beat, he was speechless as his gaze drifted from the top of Jo’s head to her cute little bare feet. Ponytail, hippos in tutus T-shirt that matched her pajama pants, and smelling like vanilla, she was the girl of his dreams.

“Hey,” she said, catching her bottom lip in her teeth. The sweet little smile playing on her lips made his heart take off like a thoroughbred at the races.

Then it hit him. He hadn’t even checked the time. All he knew was that it was dark, and the sun had set maybe an hour ago. If he had to guess, it was maybe eight or nine? “I… just realized that I might be waking you up.”

“Eh, you’re good. We’re night owls.” She tilted her head. “Is everything okay?”

He pulled Craig’s business card from his pants pocket and handed it to her. “I was walking in the park, and we ran into each other. Thought you’d want to know what he had to say.”

Her eyebrows knitted together as her gaze moved from the card and met Jack’s. He almost thought she was going to tell him no before she waved him in.

As he moved past her, she asked, “What did he say?”

“Much the same as he did that day he stopped by the house, only maybe not as cocky. He wants me to convince Charlie to hear the offer.”

“And your answer?”

“I didn’t have one.”

Charlie stopped three steps from the bottom landing and smiled. “Hey, Jack.”

“Craig wants him to talk you into hearing the offer.” Jo left Jack where he was and walked over to her grandma.

It didn’t take a genius to figure out that was signaling a united front. Crossing her arms over her chest, she said, “Jack didn’t know how to respond.”

Her grandma slightly narrowed her eyes. “I see.”

Holding his hands up in surrender, Jack replied, “I didn’t have a response because I’m just the contractor. I don’t even know why he was talking to me. I don’t have a say in any of this.”

Jo dropped her arms to her side. “Good answer.”

Jack chewed the inside of his cheek. He was about to take a risk that could alienate Jo and Charlie and cause him to lose the job. “I think maybe you should hear him out.”

The mixture of shock, hurt, and anger made him wish he could hit the rewind button. Then she added a tiny pout. “You can leave.”