“Charlie’s my favorite girl. I gotta be here early to see her.” He winked.

Did he know what he did to her? Is that why he flirted? Because he knew it made her gooey and daffy all at the same time?

Her head bobbed up and down. “Oh. Okay.” It took her a second to realize she’d responded so stupidly. Oh okay? That was the best she had?

By the time her grandma and Jack were taking their seats, Jo had recovered a little more. Hopefully, he wouldn’t?—

“So, I heard my name as I walked into the kitchen…”

She was batting zero, and she still had how many hours left in the day? Most of those would be spent with Jack. “Just wondering when you’d be here.” She smiled as her grandma rolled her lips in.

“Oh.” His tone was one that made her wonder if he was buying what she was selling. His eyes narrowed. “But what about the fog and sleeping?”

How was she going to tie him with that? Without sounding completely mental? Her leg began to bounce as she racked her brain for a response.

“You came in mid-sentence,” her grandma said. “I was asking Jo how she was doing. Between getting settled after arriving, working with you, and that article she’s doing, she hasn’t had much downtime.”

Talk about Grandma for the win.

“Ah.” He nodded as he stuffed a strip of bacon in his mouth. He finished the bite and washed it down before adding, “Are you doing okay? Do you need to take the day off?”

Shaking her head, Jo replied, “No, I’m fine. I’m used to running on fumes.”

“Are you sure?” His look of concern had her insides turning to mush.

“Yeah, I’m sure. Besides, I don’t know what Craig is up to, and if we give him an inch, he’ll take it and charge us a toll for the mile.”

Grandma sighed. “I just wonder what brought him here now. It’s not like the house got like this overnight. Granted, it’s my fault for neglecting it so long, but still, why now?”

“I don’t know.” Jo rushed the words, shoveled in the rest of her eggs, and stood. “But, there’s no telling with him. I’ll start sanding while you finish breakfast.”

Before she got to the screen door, Jack was on her heels, following her out. “I wasn’t trying to hurry you,” she said as she bounced down the steps.

“And let you show me up? No way.”

“Race you to the back.” The challenge was barely out of her mouth before she took off.

They quickly reached the back of the house and immediately went to work. For some reason, it felt as though they’d done this hundreds of times. They moved together like a waltz. Where he went left, she went right, and vice versa. It was so easy and natural to work with him… to be with him.

Part of her even toyed with staying in Wishing Well. No, staying with Jack.

A ridiculous thought she’d pushed away more than once since she’d just met him. Just started really getting to know him. What if… what if he was like Craig? What if he was all smooth moves and silky words when, in reality, he was just doing or saying whatever it took to get her to do what he wanted?

Not even a close comparison. Jack and Craig were nothing alike.

Jack was thoughtful, sweet, and kind. He had actions to back up her opinion of him.

It didn’t matter anyway. None of it mattered. She had a life in New York. Plus, based on the way Delia was talking, she’d be so busy there’d be no time for a relationship.

She just needed to concentrate on getting her grandma’s house fixed and finishing the article. Once she got back to New York, all these wild fantasies would fade, and she’d move on with her life.


“Thank you for having us over, Mrs. Turner.” Jo pushed back from the table and picked up her plates. “Dinner was delicious.”

“Especially since I didn’t have to cook it.” Charlie laughed.

Jack quickly took them from her and grabbed Charlie’s plates, too. “I’ve got them.”