“How can you be so fucking cavalier, right now?” he demands. Easy. Because I’m trying to protect him.
“Do not come to Rhode Island, Ezra. Stay in Norway. Enjoy your honeymoon.”
“Charlie and I flew home yesterday when Alex let it slip that you hadn’t been seen since the wedding,” he growls.
Wait, what? “Damn it,” I say with feeling. I hate that I ruined this for them. They wanted to spend quality time together before the babies arrive. “What did Alexander have to say? Do mom and dad know about this?”
“Of course not. Dad has it in his head that you’re traipsing about somewhere, playing tourist. And for some inane reason, so does Alex. Am I the only one who knows you wouldn’t do that?”
Probably because we’re the closest. Despite myself a small smile plays on my lips and an epiphany occurs to me. I know him and how to play this. “Can I tell you a story, big brother?”
He pauses. I haven’t called him that in like forever. “What?”
“A handsome man came into my bar one night. He intrigued me, and I wanted him.”
“You didn’t,” he breathes out, immediately getting my drift.
I wanted to. “I did,” I lie smoothly. “Then he shows up at my apartment again the night of your wedding. I’ve been feeling ennui, and it was all delightfully romantic. So, I wrote a letter and took off with him to his beautiful home. Along the way, I misplaced my phone, but you know what? I was too caught up in the romance to realize you or anyone else would think I’d been kidnapped. Ridiculous, I know,” I scoff.
“Really?” He isn’t totally buying the story but he seems to have lost a bit of his angry edge.
“Really, Ezra. Haven’t you ever had this crazy longing to be with someone and you feel like you might die if you spend another second apart?” It’s unfair because I know that’s exactly how he feels about his wife. But fuck, I’ll do or say anything to make him stay in Brattleboro, where he’ll be safe.
“Is that really what you feel? Tell me the truth, Andie.”
I dodge his question expertly. “Imagine my surprise when Hudson told me you reached out to him yesterday saying he kidnapped me. I immediately procured this phone; this conversation is proof that I’m not here against my will.”
“He’s not standing there with a gun to your head, is he?”
I end the call with a sigh. I call him back immediately, this time on video call. “I’m alone in our bedroom,” I announce as I switch the camera from my face to span the empty bedroom. “Satisfied?”
He studies the room with narrowed eyes; then he sighs, “Damn it, Andie. I still feel uneasy about all this.” He pauses and adds, “Did Massimo tell you about our past?”
I freeze. Will letting him know I’m aware of his murderous alter ego make him believe me more, or do the exact opposite? But I must pause too long because he sighs, “I guess you do.”
“No, it’s okay. So ,you realize why I think he might have kidnapped you? While I was incapacitated in the hospital a few months back, he sent me flowers with a note attached. Something like he’s letting me go in exchange for a favor. Who knows what runs through that psychopath’s head? I thought the worst.”
“That psychopath let you go, which you and I both know is unheard of in a criminal organization like the mafia.” My voice is sharp. Damn it, now I’m defending Hudson?
“Well shit. You do care about him,” he marvels, his eyes going a little wide. I blink at him, then nod wordlessly. The corners of his lips tilt up, “And how does that cold fish feel about you? Don’t even answer that. He’s letting you call him Hudson. Of course, he’s smitten.”
My brother chuckles and says, “Who would have thought the great Massimo Moratti would be brought to his knees by my little sister. I can’t wait to see this.”
“See what?” My heart rate picks up again. I thought I'd convinced him not to come here! “Ezra, you CANNOT come here!”
“I have to make sure Massimo’s treating you right. Capo di tutti i capi or not, if he ever hurts my sister, he’ll answer to me. I need to let him know that.”
My heart melts into goo. “Ezra.”
“Oh, don’t look at me like that. You know I love you, right?” he asks gruffly.
I nod, blinking back the insistent pressure behind my eyes. I will not cry. “And I love you too.” Hence why I’m doing this. “But you can’t be here. If anybody sees you–no, it’s too risky.”
“It’s fine, Andie. I’ll make sure I’m undetected. I’ll be with Alex, the only person anyone will see,” he assures me.
Despite my best efforts, a tear slips down my cheek and I quickly wipe it away. “Okay. How are Charlie and the babies?”