I nod at Isaac. “My consigliere just sent an email to you all. Attached is a picture of the man in my basement, his ID, as well as a picture of him arriving with the Rossi’s this evening.”

“It doesn’t prove anything!” Tomasi shouts. “So what if he’s one of our men? Did he say we gave him the order?”

My lips tilt up in a smile. He might as well have admitted to the crime. Dominic sighs heavily, tossing a glare to someone unseen. Probably his idiot brother.

Tomasi blanches on screen and tries to backtrack, “That is, what I mean is–”

“A loyal man would never admit who sent him when he’s caught,” Angelo insists. “So your man not pointing fingers at you doesn’t prove your innocence, either.”

“You have to admit that the evidence is damning.” Vice clears his throat and continues, “Whether you gave him the order or not, he’s your man and was allowed entry to Massimo’s home because he trusted you. I’m afraid you’ll have to take responsibility for this, Dominic.”

The other men nod in agreement and Dominic swallows. “If that’s what will make you believe I had no hand in this, I’ll gladly take responsibility. Hand the traitor over to me Massimo. I’ll make sure he and his family are duly punished.”

“I’m afraid that’s not going to cut it,” Bruno interrupts. “Dealing with the traitor is a given, but now we’re all worried that you don’t have your men under tight control. What if this happens again and worse, the target ends up dying? It will be the end of the truce we’ve been enjoying.”

More murmurs of agreement.

“So what will you have me do?” he asks through clenched teeth.

“You and your brother will have to step down for now. If you can’t control your men, then you don’t deserve to be their don,” Vice says. “All in favor?”

Everyone’s hands shoot up.

“If I step down, it will be next to impossible to get my power back. This is extremely unwarranted and–”

“Your stepping down is a show of good faith,” Angelo interrupts him. “To get us all to trust you again. Of course, you’ll be allowed to appoint a man of your choosing to take over for you. And after a year or so you’ll have our support to take back your seat.”

There’s nothing more for him to say. “Gentlemen, I’m afraid I have to go. I’m sure we can all agree that it’s been a long and tiring day.” I end the call before anyone can say more.

Isaac raises up his thumbs in approval. “Are we finally about to see the end of the Rossi brothers?”

“Maybe for now.” I yawn and get to my feet. “But they won’t take this lying down. They’ll try to retaliate.”

“True enough, but we can talk about that tomorrow. For now, get some rest.” He picks up his laptop and leaves.

Just as my back hits the bed, the door opens again. I lift my tired head, but it’s just Andrea. She turns the lock from inside so nobody can have access to the room.

“So nobody interrupts your sleep,” she explains when I raise a brow. “You can stay tonight.” She walks over to me and runs a hand through my hair. I let out a contented sigh. Maybe getting shot wasn’t the worst outcome, after all.



Hmm. The clean, slightly musky smell of a male fills my nostrils as I rub my face against my pillow, enjoying the smooth bare skin, wrapped around solid, heavy muscles. Hold on. That is not a pillow.

What the hell? My eyes snap open, and I stare at the bare expanse of muscled chest with confusion. Then my gaze travels up. Dark green eyes snag mine, holding me hostage.

“Finally,” Hudson murmurs huskily. “I’ve been waiting for you to wake up.” That’s when I realize the precariousness of my position. When I went to sleep, I was a safe distance away from him on the bed, but now my arms and legs are entwined around him like vines.

An insistent hardness throbs between my legs. Before I can figure out what it is, he rolls his hips up, pressing his hard cock against me. Pleasure tingles up my spine; it takes everything in me to suppress a moan threatening to escape my lips.

“Wait,” I manage, trying to get my bearings.

He rolls over, shifting his warm body to align with mine as he presses his lips against mine. He smells so damn good. For a moment I forget how to breathe, my entire being focused on the delicious warmth of his mouth and the skillful, hungry way he’s kissing me.

A soft growl rumbles through his chest, zipping down my spine, and I tremble, my thoughts scattering. He presses his tongue against my lips and they part for him, allowing him entrance. He thrusts his tongue in, sending my body pulsing with a sharp desire that I feel everywhere.

I’m suddenly consumed with this wild need to have him. I’m barely conscious of my arms going around his neck to drag him closer. He thrusts his cock against me again and for perhaps the first time since I woke up, rational thought pushes through the fog of desire.