He narrows those emerald green eyes, not unlike the shrubs in this very garden. “Diane is my employee, and I require her to go back to her station.” She squeaks and tugs her arm from my grasp before running off, picking up her shoes on the way.

I glare at him as I shove my own feet into my shoes. “Great. You’ve succeeded in killing the mood, and, therefore, my morning. Good bye. Max!” I snap my fingers at the cane corso, whose eyes blink open. He gets to his feet with a great yawn and lumbers after me.

“What? You’ve won over my employees and now my dog?” But the bite is gone from his voice. He almost looks…impressed. What a contrary being.

I don’t answer as I move to walk past him; he grabs my upper arm. His palm is hot against my skin, and electricity rushes through me from that one point of contact. I gasp and glare at him, but it holds no real heat.

“Come now, pet. Don’t be mad at me. Not when I’ve come bearing gifts.” His gaze drops to my hand, and his palm trails down my arm. I shiver as he snatches my fingers. “Where’s your ring?” he scowls.

“It’s on the nightstand in the bedroom,” I say slowly, not getting why his playful mood switched so abruptly.

“And why isn’t it on your finger?” he bites out, tightening his grip.

“Because it looks like it costs the equivalent of a large family home, and I would hate to have something happen to it,” I explain, but he doesn’t look impressed by my answer. He makes for the house, dragging me behind him.

“Hudson! Hudson, stop,” I say breathlessly, having to run behind him with how fast his strides are. We burst out of the garden as some men are setting up chairs and tables and. Is that the piano from the ballroom? They stare at us with round eyes.

Can’t call him Hudson in front of them. I snap, “Massimo Moratti. What the hell do you think you’re doing?” He doesn’t answer, and I fume quietly as I follow him into the house. More of his men gape at us as we climb the stairs to our bedroom.

Only after the door closes behind us does he release me. He makes for the nightstand and snatches the ring. He stalks back to me and grabs my left hand before forcing the ring on my finger.

“Never take it off again, do you hear me?” he growls. “It remains on your finger no matter what. In the shower. While you eat. I don’t fucking care. It’s insured, anyway, but I don’t give a fuck how much it cost. The only way it’s coming off this hand again is if it’s cut off with your finger still attached.”

His nostrils flare as he talks; he is on the verge of losing his tenuous grip on his temper, so I nod mutely. “Say it,” he demands, but his voice has lost its bite.

Maybe it’s because I see his anger dwindling, but my own temper ignites, and I snatch my hand out of his. “I get it, okay?! It remains on my finger no matter what, you asshole. What, it’s your mark of ownership over me? I’m yours now, and you don’t want anyone to forget it? Are you so insecure that you can’t let anyone see me without this huge fucking diamond?” I wave my ring finger in front of his eyes.

The corner of his lips twitch and I narrow my eyes on him suspiciously. “What is so amusing?”



She barely reaches my chin, yet here she is waving her hand in front of my face, practically threatening me…and not for the first time. I shift my head so her ring doesn’t catch my cheek. The last of my anger drains away, and I have to fight back a smile. But I might not have done a good job because she narrows her eyes on me.

“What is so amusing?”

“Nothing,” I promise.

She draws in a deep breath and shakes her head impatiently. “I was having such a good morning too,” she whispers to herself.

Before I can tell that her morning is about to get better, I realize that she isn’t wearing her ring. Something scratches at the door followed by a pitiful whine. Is that Maximus? Max. I roll my eyes.

Andrea goes to the door and, sure enough, it’s my expensive guard dog whining like a fucking chihuahua. He lets out a deep woof when he sees her and pushes his head between her legs. She laughs softly and rubs his head as she whispers softly to him.

The traitor doesn’t even look at me. Not that I blame him. If a beautiful woman like Andrea was petting me while I pushed my head between her legs, I wouldn’t look at anyone else either.

Still, I snap out the beast’s name, “Maximus.” He glances at me and trots into the room. At least he still knows who his real owner is. I let out a relieved breath as he comes to me, but he only gives my outstretched hand a halfhearted lick before going back to Andrea. Traitor.

“Come on. I arranged an early lunch for us at the gardens,” I inform her, turning to the door.

“But I just ate not too long ago,” she starts and I glare at her. Damn it, I knew I shouldn’t have listened to Crew. Fuck. I quickly text Walker.

“We need to talk about the engagement dinner tomorrow so you know what to expect.”

She nods and walks with me, Maximus close at her heels. I point a finger at him and command, “Stay.” He whines pitifully, but sits his butt down.

“I’ll be right back,” Andrea murmurs, going to her knees to rub his head. “Until then, stay in the house just like Daddy said.” She bends over, her hand tugging at something in her jean pocket. I stretch my neck to see, but she’s blocking my view. She takes out her fisted hand and places it in front of Maximus’ face.