“I want you to apprehend Noah in his office while I talk to the girls. Make sure they hear his screams, so they know they no longer have a reason to be scared of him.”
“Got it.” He nods and we get out of the vehicle at the same time. Inside the club, we split up. I make my way to the back, where the changing rooms are located, and knock on the door. Some of the girls like to hang out here during the day because they have some situation or another that they want to avoid at home. I don’t begrudge them that.
The voices inside the room hush and tentative footsteps approach the door. It’s opened and a pair of wide brown eyes peep out at me. She starts when she sees me. “Mr. Moratti?”
I frown at the shiner on her cheekbone. “What happened to your face–” I trail off trying to recall her name. I try to remember as many of my employees' names as possible, but it’s an impossible task with over a dozen clubs scattered across the city, as well as restaurants.
“Crystal, sir.” She pulls back from the door so I can step in. Her hair is piled up on her head; a robe is wrapped tightly around her and cinched at the waist. I glance around the changing room and note three other girls, dressed similarly.
“What happened to your face, Crystal? I want you to think twice before you reply. The only correct answer is the truth.” At that moment, a high-pitched scream echoes from across the hall. The girls start and I smile in satisfaction. Crew has gotten to Noah I see.
“That would be Noah, your manager. You see word has gotten to me that he’s been selling you girls out to the highest bidder, something I’m strongly against. So, tell me what the fuck happened to your face, Crystal.”
She breaks down into sobs and the rest of the girls come forward, circling around her to provide comfort. I wait for her to pull herself together before continuing my questioning.
I spend the rest of the morning pacing back and forth in front of the balcony doors. I’m furious, and the worst part is that I have no way to let it out. By one PM, I’ve managed to work down my temper, partly because I’ve had enough time to think, but mostly because I’m hungry.
Fuck. After mine and Hudson’s argument in his study, Diane brought me some bacon and eggs, but that was–I check the time on my new phone–five hours ago. Looking at the darned thing almost triggers my anger again, but I blow out a long breath, trying to channel my inner Zen.
What were you expecting, Andie? He’s a criminal; of course, he has absolutely no sense of boundaries.
Oh great, now a voice that sounds suspiciously like Ezra is trying to take Hudson’s side…and using his terrible nickname for me too. Speaking of which, I still haven’t reached out to my family. I sigh and type out Ezra’s private cell on my shiny new phone. I expect to catch his voicemail since he’s all the way in Norway, but he picks up on the first ring. Like he’s been expecting my call or a call from a certain someone I don’t want to think about right now.
“Is this how fast you should pick up the phone when you’re on your honeymoon, Ezra?” I click my tongue. “Charlie will be really annoyed. I know I would be and–”
“Andie! Thank goodness. Where are you? Have you been hurt? I know you’re–”
“Ezra, Ezra. Calm down, dude.” I try to play off the concern in his voice, but it tugs at my heartstrings and my eyes sting at hearing his familiar voice. I can’t believe I’ve missed him after he got me into this mess. The asshole.
“Calm down? I know this is all my fault, but how can you expect me to calm down when you’ve been missing for two weeks?!”
It's been that long already? Strange, it feels like I've been here for longer and at the same time like I just got here yesterday.
“I’m fine. I should’ve gotten in touch with you guys, but I lost my phone like a dummy. I’m sorry for worrying you and–”
“Enough, Andie. Don’t even try to play it off,” he snaps. Darn it, he knows me too well. “I know that bastard kidnapped you. I’m coming to get you,” he adds darkly, sending a surge of alarm down my spine.
“Wait. You can’t possibly be that stupid! You’d come here?”
“Of course.” The duh in his tone is loud.
“You can’t!” I yell into the phone; my hand is now gripping it hard. If he comes here and all those mafia dudes see he’s alive and well, fuck, I don’t even want to think of what the outcome might be.
“Ezra, listen carefully, where do you think I am and who do you think kidnapped me?” My heart is racing as I hope the question will buy me time while I think of how to play this. Fuck, I should have spent my morning planning out what I’d say to my family instead of being pointlessly pissed at that psychopath.
“Give it up, Andrea. I know Massimo has you. Probably in that fucking mausoleum he calls a home.”
“Massimo? Who is that?” Shit, why did I say that? “Oh, do you mean Hudson? My fiancé?” I wince. I need to work on my delivery.
“What the fuck did you just say?” Ezra bellows. I wince again, shifting the phone away from my ear.
“Thanks, Ezra. I think I just shattered an eardrum. I don’t recall yelling at you when you told me you had gotten someone pregnant.”
“What?! You’re fucking pregnant? I’m going to kill that motherfucker with my bare hands,” I interrupt his manic tirade before he implodes. “Calm down, crazy. I’m not pregnant. Just getting married, aren’t you happy for me?”