Walker and Diane exchange a wary glance. Walker sighs, “I’m not so sure that’s a good idea…if Massimo finds out–”
“I’ll deal with Massimo, but I don’t want to eat alone tonight.”
“I’d like to see just how you would deal with me.” The deep voice coming from behind me makes me go stiff. Walker and Diane also freeze. Slowly, I relax. His footsteps thud, but I don’t turn around.
He circles the island to stand directly in front of me. There’s a red splotch on the collar of the white shirt he’s wearing under his fitted suit jacket. Blood?
“She’ll eat in the dining room with me.” He is addressing the room, his gaze not releasing mine. “Won’t you, pet?”
I watch Andrea from across the table as Diane and Walker bring in our food. She studiously avoids meeting my gaze, smiling at my employees as she oohs and aahs over the offerings. After they leave, she shifts her attention to her meal.
“I’ve had a contract drawn up. You’ll sign it in my study when we’re done here.”
She glances up at me. Finally. The gold light from the chandelier paints a dusty glow over her, making her eyes appear even bluer. Why does she have to be so fucking beautiful?
“I see,” she says, then drops her head to her plate. I frown at the top of her head. This won’t do. This won’t do at all.
“We’ll go for a walk in the city tomorrow morning so people can see us together. Then in the evening, we’ll have another outing. I’ll propose at that time.”
Her head snaps up when I mention going to the city, a gleam appearing in her eyes. “Remember Ezra, pet. He’s enjoying his honeymoon in Norway now. What would happen if word gets out?”
She glowers at me; if looks could kill, I’d be six feet down. “I know, you asshole. I’m not going to do anything stupid.”
“You know, I never asked, but I want you to answer me truthfully.” She pauses, and I gesture for her to continue. “Why me? You could’ve kidnapped anyone to marry you. Why me?”
“If not you, then no one,” I answer truthfully. Marriage, as a partnership, depends entirely on who the partner is. Sure, the elders are on my neck and sooner or later, they would’ve shoved little mafia princesses down my throat, but I would have found a solution–a way out. I always do.
“The risotto tastes good. You should try it.” I push it to her.
“You can’t just say something like that and not elaborate. What do you mean by if not me, no one? I–” She stops talking when Crew enters the dining room.
“Andrea, this is my enforcer, Crew,” I say to introduce him. I drop my spoon because I know shit must’ve gone down–again. Damn it. He nods in greeting and starts speaking in Italian, but I raise a hand to stop him.
“We’ll talk in my study,” I tell him as I get up. His brows shoot up, but he doesn’t argue. “We’ll continue this conversation later. Enjoy your meal.”
She doesn’t answer. I watch Andrea for a few seconds before leaving the dining room, Crew on my heels.
“She understands Italian?” he asks as we enter my study.
“I believe so. What’s happened this time?”
“It’s the Rossi’s,” he starts to say, and I sigh. The fucking Rossi’s. The death of Luka and Felix Giovanni has spread quickly, sending the families into a frenzy. They’re antsy. Worried I might come after them next?
“What now?”
“I heard word that they set up a secret meeting with the other families.”
A secret meeting I was not invited to? “Sounds interesting. Did you happen to hear where this meeting is to take place?”