“Colton,” Eris whispered in alarm, feeling her stomach turn as the other man held aloft the packet of ketchup, getting ready to squirt it in his mouth. Zane was already laughing and clapping his hands in delight – and bless him, Colton snatched the packet from the other man without a second’s hesitation.
“Nope,” he said bluntly, looking at their surprised faces. “We got treated to dinner – and I’m not about to make the hottest chef in the county vomit because you think it’s funny. If you want to eat three-year-old ketchup packets, then no spaghetti for you, and you can both go eat in the garage.”
“Dang, the dude is serious ‘Dad material’ – isn’t he?”
“Is it wrong that it’s hot?”
“You’re a guy.”
“So, I can appreciate life goals…”
“Your life goals are to be a dad and grumpy?”
“I see your point,” Alec shrugged – and then winked. “You mentioned spaghetti… have I told you my Nonna is Italian on my father’s side.”
“Beckett isn’t Italian, ya’ big dummy…”
“Neither is Cortes.”
“I never claimed to be Italian!”
“Yeah, ya big dummy,” Zane chimed in happily, grinning and curling his nose happily, just one of the guys. “But my junk is, ya’ idj-ut…”
Justin, Chad, Lance, Alec, Colton, and Eris all looked at each other – shocked to the core before Lance started roaring with laughter. “His ‘junk’ is Italian?? And bragging about it at three years old? That’s my bro! He’s got you pegged, Alec. Ya’ big idiot! Oh-em-gee, I love your kiddo, Colton. Can he like be an honorary member of the team or a mascot?”
“I’m gonna poop in your boots, Cortes,” Alec growled and looked at Zane, pointing to get his point across. “Little boys don’t say ‘idiot,’ young man.”
“And big boys use the potty… or go pee on the flowers,” Zane replied, unphased, as Alec’s mouth dropped open in shock right before he burst out laughing.
“Where does he get this stuff?”
Colton and Eris looked at each other – and she covered her face. This was getting wildly out of hand— fast.
“Oh my gosh,” Justin chuckled, holding up his fist and bumping knuckles with Chad, who was trying not to laugh. “Little man, gimme some skin… here, put your fist up and bump my hand. That’s how we roll on the team, Zane.”
“Mrs. Fischer…”
“Please call me Eris,” she replied immediately and saw several faces smile at once as Chad lifted the cooler onto the table.
“Welcome to our family – and our team,” Justin nodded, smiling. “We’re just about as dysfunctional as any other one, and I’m proud to say that each team may have its quirks, but we are all where we’re supposed to be.”
“I knew Austin wasn’t right in the head…” Lance and Alec high-fived each other over the table.
“But he had it in spades when it comes to his heart,” Justin corrected. “Just like any of you. We’re different but in the line of duty…”
“We’re family, devoted to each other,” Colton finished for the other man, and Eris saw Justin’s proud smile.
“Exactly, brother. We are family and congratulations, you two.”
“Maybe we should all crash Chad’s place and make him barbecue since he was bragging about that new pellet grill.”
“I’ll do it,” Chad volunteered. “Trust me, you don’t have to beg… I love that new grill and cook every chance I get.”
“We can bring over our wives, Colton.”
“And me?” Zane chimed in – and Lance immediately ruffled the little boy’s hair, grinning at him.