“Let’s save the money,” she whispered softly. “And show me the tile after we finish.”
“Are you sure?”
That hopeful, wistful question spoken so softly made her heart melt as she met his eyes and nodded.
* * *
Two hours later, Eris was washing the dishes as Colton was telling Zane a story. She listened, fascinated, thinking that he was reciting a fairy tale, only to realize that he wasn’t.
“The prince wanted so much to make the mysterious princess happy that he stacked mattress upon mattress, wanting her to be comfortable… but she still couldn’t sleep. He tried plying her with her favorite things, bringing her sleeping potions, adding even more mattresses. But do you know what his precious princess needed?”
“What did da’ princess need?” Zane whispered, enthralled.
“She needed to feel safe and loved,” Colton mumbled gently. “See, it didn’t matter what the bedraggled princess was wearing when she showed up at the castle because nothing would ease that fear deep in her heart. Only the deepest feelings could wipe away those frightened monsters that kept her mind awake, preventing her sleep. But with her handsome prince nearby, she felt peaceful for the first time in ages.”
“She did?”
“Oh yes,” Colton said tenderly. “See, the princess knew just how much the prince was devoted to her, how he would do anything to make her happy… and she felt safe knowing that.”
“Because sometimes you can’t allow yourself to open up until you feel safe.”
“But why?”
“Well, it’s scary to let someone know what is deep in your heart…”
“Why’s it scary?”
“Because when you let someone know all your secrets, they can hurt you.”
“But you're not supposed to hurt da’ people you love.”
“That’s right.”
“Then why is she scared?”
“Because the prince was an absolute toad long ago and jumped out of the pond at a very bad time. Tadpoles used to freak him out, and it took actually meeting one to realize just how wonderful they truly are.”
“I wike frogs, toads, and tadpoles.”
“Me too,” she chuckled from the doorway, smiling as she dried her hands. “They certainly can be a lot to handle sometimes, but they are growing on me.”
Colton smiled up at her and then leaned down to kiss Zane’s forehead, whispering good night to the little boy. “We’ve got a big day tomorrow, and I’m going to need a helper – are you strong enough to help me?”
“Oh yes. I’m the best helper, right, Mama?”
“Best helper in the world,” she agreed tenderly. “Get some sleep, sweetie.”
Colton got to his feet and walked out of the bedroom, past her, and moved toward the living room… taking her hand in his and pulling her behind him. As he walked into the kitchen, the furthest point of the house from Zane’s room, he turned around and pulled her close.
“So we can talk…” he murmured.
“About the bathroom, frogs, or… us?”
“Perhaps all three?”
The soft invitation was there, combined with the feeling of his warm arms around her. She kept seeing him playing with Zane, the way his eyes would watch her, and imagining his kiss once more, and knew that she wanted more. Twining her arms around his shoulders, she saw his eyes widen slightly before they got this sexy hooded look to them.