Page 4 of Starlight Demons

“Hazy—I told you that I thought that you needed go see a counselor. I didn’t tell you that everything would be all right, but that the situation depended on a number of factors. We discussed all the variables that can play into matters like this.”

The truth was, even though I had little hope for the marriage, I had suggested to Hazy that she and her husband seek marital counseling. He had been eyeing the nanny since Hazy gave birth to the twins, and I had my suspicions that, nanny or no nanny, he was looking for a way out. She hadn’t wanted to listen and had obviously heard what she wanted to hear.

“Well, it’s not all right. I found him with his head between her legs, his tongue buried in her cooch.” Hazy glared at me. “I want my money back. Your reading was useless—worse than useless! You gave me hope, damn it!”

I sighed. I could argue and get nowhere—Hazy was too upset to listen—or I could just give her a refund and be done with it.

“Fine. I want my customers and clients to be satisfied. I’ll give you a full refund.” I began to write out the refund slip. I wouldn’t be offering her any more readings, but I wasn’t going to quibble over the money. She was unhappy, hormonal from giving birth, and she was facing an uncertain future. If a refund could help her in the short run, so be it.

I opened the register and handed her five twenties. “Please sign this slip indicating you have received a refund.”

She hesitated, seeming surprised that I wasn’t fighting with her. “I’m…I’m sorry. I’m just…”

“I know. Go on now. Go do what you need to do.” I walked her to the door and, gently but firmly, closed it behind her. I didn’t blame her for her outburst, but neither was I going to feed into it. That was her life, and her journey. With a sigh, I watched her pull out, then opened the door as Fancypants came zooming across the drive toward the shop.

“Come in.”

“It’s empty today,” Fancypants said, glancing around.

“It is,” I said. “I’m surprised. Usually Tuesdays are busy.”

“It’s early, still,” Fancypants said. He settled on the counter. “Are you all right?”

“I talked to my mother about my cousin,” I said.

Fancypants arched his eyes. For a dragonette, he reminded me of a comically cute puppy. “No wonder you’re glum.”

“I’m glum for more reasons than that,” I said, sighing. “Faron’s not showing any improvement and they’re looking at experimental surgery.”

“I’m so sorry,” Fancypants said, dipping his head. “And then your cousin…I didn’t mean to be flippant. Is there anything I can do?”

I glanced out the window. There was someone headed toward the door. “Thanks, I know you didn’t mean anything bad. Looks like we have a customer.”

“I’ll fly out the back and go for a walk through the woods.” Fancypants headed for the side window. He could unlatch it and open it, given it wasn’t a vertical pane. As he glided out the window, I walked over and latched it after him. October had some beautiful days, but today wasn’t one of them. It was blustery, with rain threatening in the next few hours.

As the door opened, I looked up and smiled, but my smile vanished as an angry man strode in, stomping over to the counter.

“Are you Elphyra?” His voice was as gravelly as his stare.

“Yes,” I said. “How can I help you?”

“You can help me by staying the hell away from my family. You’re lucky I don’t sue your ass off.” He slapped a candle down in front of me. I recognized it as a “Expose the Cheat” candle from my line of “Love & Lust Boosts” for those having issues in the love department.

I wasn’t sure what to say. First, I had no clue who he was, and second, if he had been a?—

“Next time you decide to help my wife figure out that I’ve got a side piece, I’m going to burn down your shop and house. Hopefully with you inside.” He picked up the candle and whipped it my way. I managed to duck to the side just in time to avoid being hit.

“What the fuck are you doing?” The voice came from the door, and both my attacker and I turned to see Bran standing there. Tall, with long wheat colored hair and a lean, muscular farmer’s body, Bran was my neighbor, and he was an unofficial third in my love life. Before Faron had been assaulted, I’d been caught between the two. I slept with Faron once, but Bran and I were still circling each other.

Bran raced across the room, grabbing the man’s collar before I could say a word. He dragged him to the door and heaved him out on his ass. “You ever come back here, you ever lay a hand on this woman, and I will put you in the ground. Do you understand me?”

The man’s eyes flickered in fear. Apparently he sensed danger when it was staring him in the face. “I…I hear you,” he said, picking himself up and running for the truck. As he screeched off down the driveway, Bran turned back to me.

“What the hell happened?” Quick as a cat, he jumped over the counter to stand next to me. He eyed me up and down. “Are you all right?”

I was still trying to process what had happened. “I think I’m all right. He didn’t hit me, but…” I shook my head. “I have no clue what to think. He just came in screaming at me. I remember who I sold that candle to. She must be his wife. She wanted proof that he was cheating on her, and I sold her a spell kit. Apparently, in doing so, I blew everything open. And he was not happy.”

Bran’s gaze lingered on me, his hazel eyes glowing. He didn’t move away. As I leaned in, he wrapped his arms around my shoulders. “If he comes back, you tell me. Promise?”