Page 39 of Drowned in Gold


It’s a rainy day as I head to upstate New York, to the facility holding a mafia legend behind bars. There’s a few things to know. Don Shadow, Martino Rigiano’s father, is my ticket into this Russian bathhouse. We used to all be at odds, until my boss, Donny – the Stallion – Valentino made amends with the Rigianos after killing that prick, Martino. Now all’s hunky-dory between them, and they kind of rule together – one from a fucking jail cell, one from his ivory tower.

All this should be the number one priority since it’s about to double my whole crew’s income, but still, Gia consumes me.

I check my phone every few minutes, feeling the pain that she’s pulling back too.

Time apart was supposed to make our ties less powerful. Turns out it’s all working against me. I miss her that much more every day that passes and I can’t wrap her in my arms, inhaling that intoxicating scent of hers. Moreover, I feel like I’m betraying her daily by acting more and more aloof.

Even if we’re not technically exclusive, I haven’t so much as looked at another girl that way in weeks, which is a record for me. To top it off, ever since Marco called me out on it, more of the guys are noticing.

I pull up to the high-security prison of beige walls and barred windows. The sniper nests looming above me are cause for concern. They’re my enemies after all – the feds. But Don Stallion leaning on his SUV up ahead makes me wonder if even the prison is on his side. Hell, he’s got half the state under his thumb at this point.

He’s a mountain of muscle, like me. I always wondered who’d win in a fist-to-fist brawl. Probably me, since I’m always rolling around with ten golden weapons on my fingers. Ha. We get along well, actually. I stuff his pockets, he watches my back. It’s been our code since we were young… when the Valentino name was shit on the streets.

Now we’re gods.

I park next to him, get out, and give him a proper double-kiss. “Good to see you, Donny.”

“Quite the operation you’re poaching for.” He smirks at me, though his dark hair and silver eyes have hardened further since he took up the role of his late father. “You’re going to help me take over the world, aren’t you, Bull?”

“That’s the plan. Shall we?” I motion for him to lead the way.

As we strut into the visitor’s center – two Italian enforcers who should be in chains – he turns to me.

“Listen up. It took a lot to bring the old man to my side. He’s sharp as a whip and wields more power than anyone gives him credit for. Stay true. Stay straight. And whatever you do, don’t fucking insult the Rigianos.”

“I’m not Marco, Donny.”

He laughs low at that and drops a hand on my shoulder. “And we thank you every day for that. It’s not only him, though.” Donny buttons his blazer. “Tensions rise and fall between our families. I’m the fucking equalizer.”

“I don’t envy you.”

We both sign in and wait not even twenty seconds before we’re escorted to a private room. The detector we walk through beeps for all of our jewelry and cell phones, but the security guard just eyes us and waves us on.

“Such service.”

“We’re everywhere.” Donny winks, pulling out a chair for me to sit next to him. “Remember, Castor, he’s from a different time.”

Him using my real name gives me a chill. As kids, we never had the pleasure of the Rigiano’s high-table. This moment brings me back. A younger me would’ve been shitting my pants right about now. I’d be excited to share it with Marco, too. Back then, when the guy wasn’t high out of his mind, we’d start small with collections at the underground casinos. Low-level stuff. Sending a couple of teenagers into a mid-level poker game got our beaks wet, and I was the one who had to be held back. I remember when Marco had one of my arms while Donny had the other. Voices of reason.

My how times change.

Still though, the moment weighs.

The two giant officers unlatch a cement door, appearing more as bodyguards than wardens. Maybe it’s just Ronny Shadow’s confidence, but when he moves, everyone watches. Thick glasses, strong forearms, silver slicked-back hair. A man to be admired in my line of work.

I stand up to greet him. “It’s an honor, sir.”

The security officers wait at the gate and leave Ronny to his own devices, chains rattling around his boots. He eyes me up and down with a defiant frown, making me sweat inside my suit. But who am I fucking kidding? I don’t need him. His family needs me.

He grabs my hand before I decide to pull it back and kisses me once on the cheek. “I hear good things.” He let’s go, giving me permission to sit. “Donny, the good son.” He winks at him while taking his own.

“Ellie says hello.” Donny winks back.

“I’ll bet she’s furious that this one’s a boy’s club.” Ronny cackles.

“She’ll get her revenge, I’m sure.”