“Even if he wasn’t watching then, he’s watching now, and he’ll know whether you’re inflating your skill or not.”
“What, like heaven has instant replay?”
Liam lifts the shoulder of the hand connected to mine, causing them to swing gently back and forth. “Yeah, why not?”
“Okay fine. But you’re my boyfriend. Aren’t you supposed to back me up on whatever I say?”
“I want him to like me, Cruz. I have to be honest.”
Liam’s done a lot of things to suggest he cares about me. Really, truly cares, like paying attention to my games, defending me to my cousin, even coming here to see Xavier. Hell, he’s even giving me time to work through my feelings about being an out athlete. But that statement, right there? It takes things to a whole new level. One I’m not sure I’m ready for even though it makes me want to pull him to me and never let go.
“You’re right.” I swallow the lump that’s lodged itself in my throat. Turning back to the gravestone, I amend my comments. “I’m getting better.”
Clearing my throat, I try to continue without getting even more choked up. “I’m sure you can see why I like him, which brings me to Piper. You accused me of not being able to understand how she was part of the dream along with football, and at the time I thought that was a low blow. Now, I think maybe you were right. Not that I think giving up your scholarship was the right move, I still think that could’ve done more harm than good to your football career, but I have a better understanding of why that decision wasn’t as black and white as I wanted it to be.”
Liam’s fingers squeeze mine in support, and I mimic the gesture, so he knows I appreciate it.
“I hope you can forgive me for not realizing that sooner, and maybe, since I have my own big decisions to make about football and relationships, you can help me see those things clearly.”
I hear Liam sniff beside me before saying, “Tell him about your season, so he knows what’s at stake.”
“Yeah. Okay. Uh, where do I begin?”
“How about the fact that you started?” Liam suggests.
Thank God he’s here. This is so much easier with him helping me focus on the present instead of the past.
“Good idea. So, I was the starting tight end, which was pretty cool. Oh, and I wasn’t the only freshman starter. My teammates Cameron and Jagger were starting with me by the end of the season. They kind of remind me of us, actually, before... Anyhow, they’ve been best friends forever, and they pick on each other like brothers.”
“That’s one way to put it,” Liam sniggers.
“What are you talking about?”
“You know how little kids pick on each other when they have a crush?”
“You think they have a thing for each other? No way.” I shake my head. “Those two hook up—with women—more than anyone I know.”
Liam lifts our hands so they’re in front of our faces. “I think we’ve demonstrated hooking up with women doesn’t mean you can’t, or won’t, hook up with men.”
“Okay fair, but I’m pretty sure they’re both straight.”
“I’m pretty sure Jagger could turn the straightest of men gay, if he were so inclined,” Liam says to me before cupping his hand around his mouth like he’s whispering to Xavier. “He’s fucking gorgeous.”
“Hey, you can’t say that about another guy when we’re dating.”
“I didn’t say I wanted him, I said he was gorgeous. I know you understand the difference.”
My brows draw together as I huff out an exasperated breath. “Fine. Yes, I understand the difference. And yes, Jagger’s incredibly good looking. But he and Cameron are friends. And teammates. Like Xavier and I were. And… What was I saying?”
“The three of you were starters. And you were one of the top tight ends in the country.” He leans forward to speak like he’s conspiring with Xavier. “As a freshman.”
“That’s not what I was saying.” I shake my head at the gravestone.