Page 26 of The Runaway

Clothes I bought her, maybe?

Pepper’s hair is gathered on one side and she’s holding a pair of sunglasses. She’s biting her lip but releases it when she finds me. A small smile touches her lips before she tucks it away.

“Hey,” she addresses us.

“Back so soon?”

“Okay, I’m going to ignore your attitude because I wanted to say thank you for setting me up with Charlie—she’s amazing. I can’t believe I didn’t get a chance to know her better in high school.”

“Didn’t get a chance is one way to put it,” I mutter before sitting up. “So, why aren’t you with her now?”

“She’s in the car waiting for me.”

I sneak a glance at Noah.

“I came to return this.” Pepper hands me my credit card. “And is there a key under the welcome mat at the cottage?”

Right. Shit. I tighten at the possibility of her mentioning our agreement in front of my brothers. Digging into my pockets, I hand her the small set of keys.

Levi’s brow rises at the exchange, but my other brother has his focus set out the front window.

“Staying at Elliot’s?” Levi asks.

Pepper releases a breath and it’s…refreshing to hear. To see her in fresh clothes and a warm smile. “I am. I really appreciate you guys letting me stay there. As soon as I can get access to my account without—”

I lift my gaze to hers as she catches herself.

“Without what?” Noah asks flatly.

Pepper frowns. “You didn’t tell them?”

My eyes flick to hers. “Not my tale to tell.”

“Oh. I guess I thought that’s what people around here”

“Oh, we talk plenty,” Levi assures her. “But not about other people.”

Pepper bites her lip. “Well, I should go. I don’t want to keep my new friend waiting.”

“Sit down, Pep. Stay a bit,” Levi says in a tone I don’t hear often. Then he shoves Noah practically off the bench. “Maybe one of my brothers would be kind enough to bring your new friend in.”

Noah doesn’t budge.

“So, Pepper. How long you staying? I might need a small favor in a few weeks you’d be perfect for.”

“No,” I snap.

“I’m…not sure. Why, what is it?” Pepper asks.

Levi tilts his head to his kid swiveling on the bar stool with Dad and digging into an ice cream sundae. “That’s Jackson. “We’re planning his birthday party at my ranch, if you’re interested.”

“He’s adorable. Um…are there going to be a lot of people?”

“Yes, too many. I’m hoping you could help me out with a dilemma.”

“I said no,” I snap again.

“I’d love to help. What can I do? Set up?”