Page 103 of The Runaway

He glances around anxiously. “Yeah well, what are all those books you’ve been handing out at the—"

“They’re children’s books that we’re allowed to take and distribute because they’ve been replaced with newer ones. It’s so they don’t end up in the recycle bin. It’s one of the things I love about this job. Why would you do that?”

If my brother doesn’t have an answer for her, the next slap across his face is going to put him on the ground.

“Oh. I didn’t realize that.” He sounds about as convincing as a politician.

Charlie shakes her head.

“Maybe this would…be a good time to…get out of town. Take a vacation or something,” Noah adds quietly.

“A vacation. A vacation?” she cries, then takes a deep breath and steps back, shaking her head again. “Forget it. You’ve already taken everything from me. What’s one more?”

“Charlie,” he starts quietly. But it’s non-committal and she’s off the property in a matter of seconds.

The first firework shoots through the air and blasts into the sunset. Noah turns and whips out his phone like nothing happened. “I’ve got an update on Pepper.”

“And I want to hear it.” I grip his shirt. “But first, you better have a damn good reason for the bullshit we just heard.”

Noah breaks free and pushes me back. “Making sure they don’t find Charlie first,” he shouts.


“My buddy at the D.C. office reached out with information. Someone sent Mayfield and his people this photo.” He pulls up an image of Pepper and Charlie at the library. A few. There’s one of them talking, one of them laughing, and then embracing. “Someone turned her in.”

“And the library is the first place they’re going to look,” I mutter, staring at the last image.

Noah pockets his phone, his voice gravely. “I had to get her out of there.”

I twist with worry, looking for my fiancée. “Should I tell Pepper?”

“I wouldn’t,” Noah says flatly.

“Agreed,” Levi adds. “Just get her out of here. Charlie too.”

“What about our trip?” I ask Noah.

The other day, he called me with an update. Kyle Lowers, the now-prisoner who worked with Pepper’s dad right before the accident, just lost his state-issued attorney. And Noah asked for a meeting to see if he could take the case. It’s where I planned on getting answers for Pepper. At least the ones that matter.

“If we don’t go now, we might lose the chance to meet with him. At least until his next legal rep walks out on him. If we’re doing this, we need to leave tomorrow.”

We’re definitely doing this. I’m not going to let some town sellout stop me from getting peace of mind for the woman I love.

“What about Pepper?” Levi asks.

“I won’t leave her alone. And I can’t check her into the Inn. Who ever is coming will likely stay there.”

“My house?” Levi offers. “Her and Charlie can both stay here.”

I shake my head. “Not likely. Charlie won’t come.”

Levi snaps his fingers. “Lonnie. She can stay with Lon in Denver. I’ll take them both in the morning before you and Noah take off.”

I stroke Pepper’s hair as she lies in my arms under the covers. “Do you trust me?”

“I’ve trusted you with my life since the first day I came to town.”

I smirk. “I love that. And I’d never take it for granted. That’s why I want you to trust me when I ask that you let Levi take you out of town tomorrow.”