Page 64 of The Runaway


Which one was it? I scrunch my nose and look up at her. “Don’t tell anyone—but it was actually my ass.”

She laughs and groans at the same time. “Oh no. That’s terrible.” Another chuckle. “Secret is safe with me.”

Unless you knew about the million bucks on my head.

Turning back to the game, I catch Chase skate by me. He winks and licks his lips.

Subtly, I shake my head.

“Oh, aren’t you two the cutest!”

“You saw that?”

“Sure did.”

I make a mental note to be very careful if people are as curious as Tracy is.

I follow Chase on the ice while spying on some other players too—it’s incredible how fast they move. Gunning for and passing something so easy to lose track of.

Chase is so quick, it’s mesmerizing. They all are. There’s almost a rhythm to the way the players move. It’s fluid, yet rough, and totally action-packed.

Someone makes a goal and everyone on our side rises in cheer. Including the Ice Queens.

A loud horn sounds, marking the end of the second period.

On the first intermission, I stayed off the ice and helped distribute promotional flyers along the aisles.

But there’s no avoiding it now.

Tracy nudges me. “You ready? We’re up.”

I nod up at her from the bench and wink to mask my nerves. “I’m ready.”

I stagger behind as all the other Queens step onto the ice seamlessly. I watch each of them, holding my broom cautiously—like a witch in training.

Chin up.

I step on with one hand on the boards, then quickly remove it.

You don’t need it.

Is it crazy that I almost wish I had that blindfold? I could find my target just before I slip it on. It would be Chase. Not for any other reason than for the sheer fact that he’s been my anchor through all of this.

I mean he could have been a little more helpful—like let me hide out in the cottage for three to six months but nooo—I needed an identity.

The crowd’s cheers aren’t any less energetic when we step on. In fact. I think they’re louder. Four girls scatter in different directions with brooms. Each of them graceful as they maneuver the prop and wave to the crowd.

M.J. and Lena are engaging with the VIP guests on the opposite side. I use them as my focal point and push off, glancing down infrequently but keeping my head level and my smile plastered.

The cool air breezes past my cheeks. So far, so good. My glides are smooth. My vision clear. My energy high.

I’ve got this.

When I reach the two Queens as they showcase new merchandise, I offer a wave, which they give back and pivot to the other side. Quickly, I search for a focus point. Scoreboard.

Eh—a little high, but it could work.