Page 53 of The Runaway

“My engagement party?”

“Can’t have a Reeves getting married without an engagement party.”


“Don’t worry. This all falls in line with the hiding in plain sight plan my brother conjured up.”

“This was Chase’s idea?”

“His? Yeah right. He hates parties. Noah and I are doing all the planning. It’s going to be at the Inn.”

Panic rises in my chest. “Levi. I don’t know about this.”

“Pepper.” He grasps my shoulders. “I know it feels like the opposite of what we want. But this is the best way for all of us to see if we have anyone to look out for in town. By presenting you ourselves. Everyone here trusts us.”

“This town is full of people who remember me. What my father did. I’m just supposed to reappear engaged to Chase Reeves. People are actually going to believe that?”

He lifts my chin. “Just keep your chin up. The rest will come naturally.”

“That’s your advice?”

He scoffs, releasing me. “No. My advice would have been Noah. Which is a lot more believable than Chase, but I digress.”

“Does Chase know about this party?”

He smirks. “Nope. And we’re holding it the same day he’s back in town. Calling it an emergency family meeting.” He chuckles as he walks to the door. “Then ambush him.” He pulls the door and winks, almost reassuringly. “I’ll check in on you tomorrow.”

I close the door behind him and shoot a quick text to Charlie.

Pepper: I need to go shopping. For an engagement party dress.

I text her a few more details about what Levi told me. It’s a minute before she responds.

Charlie: Chase is going to be livid.

Charlie: Can I come?

Pepper: Like I’d have a party without you.

For the next few days, I buy a few more things for the cottage and hope Chase won’t mind. I keep it super guy-friendly while keeping resale value in mind. I finally bought new drapes; canvas instead of silk, giving it more of a rustic farmhouse look with that nautical vibe Elliot seemed to be going for. Though he might have forgotten at some point and just bought whatever fit.

Or was left out on the street.

By the time Friday comes around, I’m a little less panicky but still nervous.

Chase hasn’t bothered calling but texted a few times to check on me. I don’t know why it upsets me he hadn’t called, but I don’t feel as guilty for letting him walk into an ambush.

I stop at the Inn early on Friday to see if I can help with anything. “Hey, Mr. Reeves.”

“Aiden,” he corrects.

“Aiden. I have something for you.”

“You’re kidding. I never get anything. What’ve you got?”

I dip my hand into the shopping bag. “I was just tidying up and thought you might like to have this.” I hand him the photo of him and Elliot on a fishing outing.

His lips part and he covers them. His eyes mist and I wonder if I’ve made a mistake. He flips the frame. “Where did you find this?”