Page 52 of The Runaway

She runs her fingers along the counter. “I’d rather not say.”

“Why not? Oh my God, are you an exotic dancer? No. Escort?” She shakes her head. “Sell meth? What?”

“I’m…I work at the library.”

I press my lips together and she grunts. “I knew you’d laugh.”

“I’m not laughing. I was just going to say…you’d probably make more money selling meth.”

“It doesn’t pay well and it’s not glamorous but it’s the only thing I can do.”

“Why’s that?”

She hesitates, focusing on the olives she’s spreading evenly over her pizza. “My mother is sick. She’s been sick for the last few years so…I stayed in town to be close to her. Take care of her.”

“What does she—”

“Lung cancer. They keep giving her six months—for the last three years.”

“Oh. I’m so sorry.”

She shrugs like it’s old news. “Anyway, there aren’t that many jobs in Hideaway Springs. Small businesses here are mostly family run. But I also like the library. It’s the biggest building in town. I have my own office. And…I’m close to home for when she needs me.”

“That’s not fair to you.”

“It’s cool. Besides, commuting would cost more than it’s worth.”

I watch her for a minute when it feels like there’s more on her mind than she’s sharing. When she doesn’t take the bait, I give her a nudge. “What about dating?”

She scoffs. “I don’t have the energy or the time. I need to focus on myself and my mother. And it’s better off, I’m too busy.”

“Is that really it?”

Throwing on a smile that I swear looks genuine, she says, “I don’t have the best reputation around here.”

My heart goes out to her. I want to tell her how unfair it all is. But I don’t get the chance because Charlie clearly wants the subject dropped.

Skipping over to the oven, she lowers the door. “Are we ready to bake?”

I take her cue to drop it and smile back. “Let’s do it.” I place mine next to hers and reach for another glass to pour for my new best friend.

It’s almost eleven, and I’m curled up on the sofa trying not to watch the news. But I also don’t want to watch romance or comedy, so I settle on football. So long as there’s something in the background.

I forgot how quiet this town is.

Especially at night.

There’s a knock on the door—it’s not aggressive in any way, but still makes me jump. I pop my head up from the couch and see a male figure through the side window. I can’t see his face, but pretty sure whoever it is, is wearing a cowboy hat.

I approach the door tentatively and hear a deep familiar voice on the other side. “Pepper, it’s Levi.”

I breathe a sigh of relief and pull it open. “Howdy, neighbor.”

He chuckles and takes off his hat, stepping in.

I close the door behind him. “What brings you by?”

He gives the place a once over, then turns to me. “Giving you a heads up that your engagement party is this Friday.”