Page 6 of Brutal Ambition

He reads my text a second later and answers, “Yeah, he’s distracted by some girl.”

I frown. Distracted by some girl? That doesn’t sound like Silvan.

“I’m free though. What do you need?” Shane asks.

“Not sure yet, but Kyle just led some girl literally dressed like a virgin sacrifice down to their basement, so I think something is about to go down.”

“Lol fucking subtle, isn’t he?”

Irritation rubs up against me, but it’s unwarranted. It’s not like I came here tonight to be a knight in shining armor. I didn’t give a fuck about the random girl Kyle had chosen to victimize, I just didn’t want his bullshit to come back on us.

But now, Shane’s cavalier attitude toward the harm she’ll come to if I don’t get down there and intervene in time annoys me a little.

It would help if I knew how many men were in that basement.

Five founded our society, but that number can change as long as the group stays small. It depends on how many prospective members there are in the incoming freshmen class. Maybe none and we tap a sophomore or junior that has shown up on our radar instead. Most years, we only tap one or two new members. This year, we only tapped Dare. That gives us eight members.

If they’re following the same format, I would guess anywhere from five to eight guys are waiting in that basement for her, and while I’m more than capable of handling myself, I’m not John fucking Wick. I don’t know if I can take on all of them without a little help.

We figured Kyle and his cronies might drag a girl into the woods behind the frat house so he could copy the original event as closely as possible. The woods behind the school where the original ritual actually happened would be too far unless they drove her there, and that would open them up to a lot of trouble if the girl put up a fight.

There is a walkout cellar in the basement that opens to their backyard, but I don’t want to wait outside. What if I’m wrong? What if she never leaves that basement until they’re done with her?

I can’t say what kind of shape she’ll be in then. If she’ll even be alive. I don’t know exactly what they have planned, and there’s only one way to find out.

Chapter Three


I was having a lonely day when I met Kyle Roarke.

College is great. I love the classes and the opportunities to learn from brilliant minds, the lens slid in front of my eyes that shows me the world in ways I haven’t seen it before. And I’m enjoying this year more than freshman year since Stacie and I got our own place off-campus this semester.

But I get a little lonely heading into the holidays and living on my own.

I get a little lonely sometimes just because.

When Kyle started talking to me in line, I felt excited. Maybe not by him—I didn’t know him—but at least by the idea of him.

And it was a Wednesday, in a café.

I’m blaming Taylor Swift for this.


“What could you buy with your body count?”


He grinned. “Come on. Pretend we’re at the dollar store. Go wild.”

I chuckled, averting my gaze as I felt a rush of warmth in my cheeks. It felt strange to tell a stranger I was a virgin, so I made light of it. “I haven’t killed anyone yet,” I said solemnly.

“Yet, she says.” He had the cutest smirk as he leaned in and bumped my shoulder with his. “I’m serious. How many people have you been with? You don’t have to be embarrassed. I won’t judge you.”

“I’m not embarrassed, I just… I really don’t have a ‘body count.’ The number is zero.”

“You’re telling me you look like this and you’re a virgin.”