Page 5 of Brutal Ambition

I’m just about to step away when something catches my attention. A cape of delicate white lace trailing behind a pretty brunette with chocolate brown curls. Her costume is modest and provocative at the same time. White thigh highs keep much of her legs covered despite her wearing a bodice structure that covers little more than a swimsuit, but a swatch of creamy thigh is exposed—just enough to be strangely sexier than being able to see her entire bare leg.

What an unusual costume. I’m more distracted by it than I was by the cat.

I don’t like to be kept wondering about things, so I’m about to walk over to her when, to my immense displeasure, she gently grabs Kyle’s shoulder from behind.

He looks back at her and there’s a spark of familiarity I don’t appreciate.

She smiles a bright, open smile.

Disappointment settles in my gut when he turns around to greet her, looping an arm around her waist and pulling her against him for a hug she doesn’t seem to hate.

Well, that’s an unpleasant turn of events.

I watch for another moment or two to make sure she wasn’t just saying hi before wandering off, but she stays by his side. I watch as she smiles and laughs, watch her follow him to the beverage table to get drinks.

At least she’s smart enough to not let him get her a drink she hasn’t had eyes on the entire time.

Not that she seems worried about that.

I can’t quite believe it—and I don’t know why it bothers me—but the girl seems to have come here for him.

Which can mean only one thing.

She’s the sacrificial virgin.

It makes sense given her costume, but why would she be dressed for the occasion? Only a severely disturbed individual would consensually take part in something so fucked up.

I suppose he could have lied to her, only told her about the one part, but if I’m trusting my gut on this, the brunette does not seem like a girl who would sign up to have a few frat-boy fucks run a train on her, either.

It’s probably the costume, but there’s something about her that strikes me as innocent. Whether it’s true or not, I’m convinced she’s ignorant of the danger she’s in.

And I’m the only help she’s got.

Doesn’t bode well for her.

I watch them talk for a few minutes before Kyle finds a reason to lead her out of the room, probably looking for somewhere quieter so they can “talk.”

It’s a little harder to follow him this way without being noticed, but I’m the guy they sent for a reason. I can be plenty stealthy when I need to be.

The girl glances back over her shoulder uncertainly as they walk through a dark, empty room with couches. I hear her say, “This seems like a good place,” and Christ, her voice. So melodic, the perfect pitch. The way it hits my ears…

I’ve never found someone’s voice attractive before, but it feels like I could listen to her speak all night long and still crave more.

But Kyle tells her he has a better place, so she keeps following him.

Unease creeps down my spine, and I pull my phone out of my pocket. We all agreed that Silvan probably has the best alibi tonight since he’s throwing a party and people wouldn’t expect him to leave it. He’s also the most connected Blue Blood on our current roster, so I text him first. “Hey, you free? I might need some backup.”

When Kyle leads the girl through the kitchen, I can’t follow. That room is too empty and too open, so I hang back and watch. He opens a door and gestures for her to walk in ahead of him.

I’ve already checked out the floorplan of the house, so I know that door leads to the basement.

She’s not dumb enough to follow this fucker down into the basement, right?

She glances up at him uncertainly. He smiles to reassure her. Then she walks through the doorway like a goddamn lamb to the slaughter.


I check my phone, but Silvan hasn’t read my message. I back out of that one and text Shane instead. “Silvan isn’t answering my text. Have you seen him?”