Page 2 of Brutal Ambition

I grab the small clutch I put my phone and some money into just in case I need it. I pop my lip gloss in the bag for refreshes later, then I grab my keys. They barely fit, but I manage to get them in. Once the bag is closed, I grab the single red rose I bought off the table and slip on my white heels.

“What if I went with you?” she asks. “Buddy system. He’s less likely to fuck with you if you’re not alone.”

“The last thing in the world you want to do is go to a Rho Kappa party.”

“No, the last thing in the world I want is for you to get date-raped by some shitty frat boy and then I have to kill a man and go to prison. That’s the last thing I want.”

“You’re a good friend. I love you.” I open the door. “But you’re worried over nothing. When I talked to Kyle, he wasn’t at all like you think he is. When I get home later, I’ll tell you all about it.”

She presses the back of her hand against her forehead. “Your romantic evening at a frat house rager. I’ll practice my swooning now.”

“This criticism from the girl who was psyched to get railed by a guy in a Michael Myers mask last weekend.”

“Hey, Michael knew how to use that knife.”

“Ew forever,” I say as she smirks at her memory.

“I wonder what he’s doing tonight,” she muses.

“Could be you. Give him a call,” I urge.

Her focus snaps back to me and her eyes narrow. “You’re just trying to get me off Kyle’s case.”

I step out the door, pulling it closed behind me. “Have fun.”

“Be safe,” she calls back. “Don’t drink anything you haven’t had eyes on the whole time, and don’t be afraid to knee a man in the junk.”

I shake my head as the latch clicks and the door closes all the way, a fond little smile on my lips as I make my way out of our apartment building.

Chapter Two


I’m a big believer in potential.

Most people waste theirs to live a life of mediocrity and that’s perfectly okay—for them. It’s not how I choose to spend my time here, and I believe in surrounding myself with like-minded friends.

People are often judged by the company they keep, but that’s not why. Except for the rare occasion that getting something I want hinges on someone else’s opinion of me, I couldn’t give fewer fucks what people think of me. I like myself just fine, and anyone who doesn’t can fuck off.

That doesn’t mean I’m always a tactless asshole, but I certainly can be.

Is it possible I could miscalculate and offend someone who would have made a better friend than a foe? Sure. But there are plenty of people in the world, and I’ve found precious few (read: none) to be irreplaceable. It’s worth a few casualties to preserve the habit of not wasting my time.

The redhead on my left is not only wasting my time, she’s annoying me with a slew of questions that grow more and more desperate and tedious as I continue to be uninterested in her.

She has potential for somebody, but not for me.

Besides, I’m not here tonight for a girl.

I’m here to observe the lame-ass Rho Kappa Halloween party instead of enjoying the significantly better one my friend is hosting tonight.

“So, what are you supposed to be?” the girl asks, given it has been a whole eight seconds since the last word was uttered.

My gaze shifts in her direction, and her eyes widen at the possibility that she has finally caught my attention.

Not that she has trouble getting attention, but she can’t seem to capture mine and that’s what tells her it’s worth having. She knows I’m tall and well-built, but she can’t even tell what I look like with this mask covering my face.

Her eyes haven’t found proof that I’m attractive, but my disinterest in her convinces her I must be. If I weren’t an attractive package myself, I’d be eager for attention from a girl like her.