Page 105 of Truly, Madly, Deeply

“Touch me,” she said, trying her damndest not to turn it into a question.

Two of his fingers slipped inside her with ease. He hummed under his breath and added a third, filling her up, still no replacement for his cock but close. He crooked all three inside her, smiling against her lips when she gasped. “You good?”

“Uh-huh.” She nodded, fingers clutching his hair as she rocked against him. “So good. You’re so good.”

Colin made a choked noise and curled his fingers a little harder, the sound loud and lewd, making her flush.

She was close. Her heart beat fast and furious against her sternum, pulse thundering in her head, as her toes curled in the plush pile of the rug beside Colin’s knees.

He panted against her mouth, sharing her air, making her dizzy as she strained against him. His teeth closed around her bottom lip, biting hard enough to sting, fingers curling incessantly inside her. He didn’t slow, even when she cried out, voice muffled against his lips, clenching around him, vision spotting until it went black. The slick squelch of her around his fingers filled her ears, as humiliating as it was hot.

Colin’s kiss lost its fervor, but not its intensity as he slipped his hand from between her legs. His mouth brushed hers, once, twice, pressing chaste little kisses against her tingling lips, her cheeks, her jaw, anywhere he could reach, as he coaxed her back to him.

“One of these days,” she said, catching her breath, “we’re going to have sex in an actual bed.”

Colin tangled his fingers in her hair and dragged her down, laughing against her lips. “Next time.”

Chapter Nineteen

Truly sneezed herself awake.

Colin was already propped up against the pillows, awake and staring down at her, an amused smile on his face. “Bless you.”

She buried her face in his pillow with a groan. Feather pillows, no wonder she’d sneezed. “What time is it?”

“Just after seven.”

“In the morning?”

Colin chuckled at her obvious disgust. “Nah, you slept for eighteen hours. Welcome back to the land of the living.”

It was too early for sarcasm. “Don’t tell me you’re a morning person. I don’t know if I can date a morning person.”

“Alas, I am one of those people. The pitfalls of holding down a nine-to-five.”

Funny. “You aren’t working today.” She smothered a yawn. “Go back to bed, you weirdo.”

“Can’t,” he said, sounding downright chipper. Annoyingly chipper. If she weren’t so stupidly fond of him, she’d push him onto the floor.

She was a brunch person at best, a happy-hour person, a stay-up-until-three-in-the-morning-finishing-this-chapter person, a just-one-more-page person. She was not built to watch the sun rise.

“What do you mean you can’t?” This was already more words strung together consecutively than she’d spoken in years before at least nine in the morning. “Just close your eyes. Sleep.”

Colin laughed and she really was gone on him because the sound didn’t make her want to hit him with a pillow, but it did make her feel warm. She burrowed deeper beneath his duvet, tugging it up over her chin.

“Sleep,” she repeated, shutting her eyes. “’s easy.”

Something warm and soft landed against the tip of her nose. She screwed up her face, opening her eyes as Colin sat back, laughing at her.

“Did you just kiss my nose?”

“You happen to have a very kissable nose, St. James.”

How was she supposed to stay grouchy when he was being so sweet? “You better make this early wake-up call worth my while, McCrory.”

“Or else?”

She snagged a spare pillow and whacked him with it, missing his head, but hitting his arm.