Page 8 of Highest Bidder

I sigh deeply and drink deeper. There is one thing I miss men for, and it is not their conversation skills. “I’m happy for you.”

“Then why do you look like you could claw my eyes right out?”

“I swear I am, but your whole giddy school girl vibe is reminding me just how much I miss sex. “

“Even sex with Trent?”

I almost snort-laugh my champagne out of my nose when I choke on that thought. “Uh no. Not with Trent. Maybe that’s why I don’t miss him. That man could not kiss worth a damn, and the sex … it did not qualify as one of the Seven Deadlies. In fact, it may have qualified as penance for jaywalking.”

She giggles. “Sex with Trent was the equivalent of jay walking?”

“No … come to think of it, it sex with Trent was the equivalent of pulling a mattress tag off. Not illegal. Not even a little naughty. It was something no one would even notice unless they were really, really paying attention.”

“And you were with him for how long again?”

“Two years. Remember, he broke up with me on our anniversary?—"

“When you thought he was going to propose. Right. Sorry to bring it up.”

I shrug. “that’s the weird thing about it. I should be more pissed off about that, shouldn’t I?”

“I gave up should a long time ago. Feel how you feel. If you feel numb about it?—"

“Not numb. Apathetic. Like, I hope he has a decent life, as long as it’s far away from me.”

The limo slows to a stop, and I realize I hadn’t paid any attention to where we are. But Callie grins and stares out the window. “We have arrived.”


Chapter 4


I’m not sure of the dimensions, but the mansion is enormous by huge, and it’s surrounded by a thick forest. We had driven for at least a half an hour, and we’re outside of Boston. I’m pretty sure we’re in Newton, but without paying attention, I can’t say. The mansion is Victorian and dark, but that might just be because it’s night. Hard to tell with the minimal lights aimed for walkways and driveways instead of the building itself, so it’s underlit and ominous.

“If it weren’t for all the people standing around in formalwear, I’d swear this is where Scooby Doo and the gang would find the masked villain.”

Callie giggles, and we get out of the limo to stand in the entry line. Thankfully, it’s swift, and we’re inside the warm, opulent mansion in no time flat. The foyer features a golden and pearl chandelier that makes the entire room glow. Ivory walls with mahogany wainscotting rise to a domed ceiling. The floors are mahogany, too, or at least, they look like it. I was never one for architecture or interior design. But the dark wood floors gleam in the warm light. Black velvet ropes line a path from the entrance to guide us to the left.

It’s crowded inside and we’re ushered off to the left, slowly shuffling with the crowd to the west wing, according to the hosts who stand by the velvet ropes. To get there, we travel down a wide hall that mimics the look of the foyer. Enormous paintings hang in the hallway. Real art. No reproductions. I have a sneaking suspicion I’m about to be kicked out at any moment, and if I touched one of the paintings, I’d be sent to a deep, dark prison for life.

“This place is like a museum.”

Callie laughs, then sees I’m serious. “You read the sign outside, right?”


“Oh. This is the Chamberlain Museum. It’s a historical landmark. The auction is to benefit it.”

Glancing around, I note, “Pretty sure they don’t need more money.”

“All of what you see is carefully maintained. If it weren’t, this place would fall apart. Buildings this old need a lot of care.”

I neglect to point out the money could go to a worthier cause, because Callie is into this. “The museum would be a nice venue for a wedding or something. The pictures would be stunning.”

Her head bobs in agreement. “To be honest, I’d sort of hoped to steer the conversation that way with Daniel. Maybe get him to start thinking of weddings. And me.”

“Callie! It’s that serious?”