Page 41 of Highest Bidder

He looks like I slapped him. “What?”

“You were never this good of an actor back in the day. Did you take lessons? I don’t remember you being in the drama club but I imagine men like you can afford lessons for anything.”

“What are you talking about, June?”

I take a stroll around his office. It’s expansive. The entire room reeks of way too much money. There’s the sitting area where he had hosted his clients a moment ago. To the left of that is an oversized walnut wood desk and behind it, a wall of bookshelves loaded with books on the law. The outer wall is a solid glass pane, giving an unobstructed view of the city. Even now, with our gray, dreary weather, the view is spectacular.

“Why are you playing dumb? We both know that you know.”

“That I know what?”

I run my finger down the edge of his desk while I speak. A dramatic mood has come over me, and since he’s pissed me off, I’m going to take my time with this and enjoy seeing him twist in the wind. “That’s all I’ve ever been to you, isn’t it? A joke. A way to amuse yourself. Another plaything. You saw me at the auction and thought, Oh look. A game I can win.”

“Not even close.”

“Right.” I lean back over the desk, slightly jutting my chest out. He may not respect me, but he loved them. Maybe he’ll pay up if I remind him of that. “I’m supposed to believe you saw me at the auction and actually wanted me?”

“Why else would I have bid that kind of money for you?”

“Funny you say bid and not paid.”

He frowns. “Bid, pay, whatever. The point stands. You still think I paid that kind of money to pull a prank on you?”

“That’s the thing, though, Andy. You didn’t.”

“Don’t call me Andy.”

“I’ll call you whatever the hell I want until you actually pay me.”

He pauses. “What are you talking about?”

“Cut the crap. You know damn well you haven’t paid up. Or do you have so much money that you wouldn’t notice misplacing that kind of cash? Did you leave it somewhere? Is it in your other wallet?” I can’t help but mock him right now. I’m too pissed off. “Or is the little rich boy crying poor?”

“I paid you. Well, I paid the shell corporation they use for the auction, anyway.”

“Bullshit! The money never hit my account because it was never wired because you never sent it!”

He huffs. “I’ll call the mansion. Surely they have someone?—

“I’ve already called them, trying to track this down. They pretended not to know anything. Stop stalling and pay me what you owe me.”

“Given Friday night’s events, you’re worth every penny and more.” He goes to his desk and sits behind his laptop, so I march around the desk myself and stand next to him to see whatever the hell he’s doing. I tell myself it’s because I don’t trust him, but I like standing close to him. I’ve been conflicted for a week over this man, and it’s not getting any easier by being near him. But he smells too good to wait on the other side of the desk.

I am hopeless. Truly.

As he types, he mutters, “Truth be told, I find you priceless, but if this is what it takes to settle things between us, then I’m happy to do it.”

“I’m not here for more of your lies, Andy. Pay me.”

He winces at that. “Must you, with the Andy of it all?”

“Your full name will cost you three hundred and ninety thousand dollars.”

He smirks a little, and I force my toes to stay put. “A small price for such an incredible night.” Then his smirk dies when he looks at the screen. “The hell …”

I struggle to remain unmoved, but the panic in his tone sets me on edge. If he’s panicked, what the hell chance do I have? “What is it?”

“My account is frozen. This can’t be right.” He mashes some buttons.