Page 118 of Highest Bidder

“Holy fucking shit.”

I laugh. “In a nutshell, yes.”

Her perfect posture crumbles under the weight of it all, and she slumps back. “That’s crazy, June. All of it. And here I thought food poisoning combined with the flu was the worst thing you could go through. Boy, was I wrong.”

“I’m sorry for all the lying?—"

She waves her hand at me. “Don’t even. We’re good. I appreciate you keeping me out of the loop until now. I’m mildly worried about being in the loop at all, but I did press you about this, didn’t I?”

“Sorry for that, too.”

She smiles sweetly at me. “Not at all. Just makes me wonder what Elliot West is into, you know?”

“Yeah. I keep thinking about that, too.”

“Obviously, it’s not all media and tech. Or if it is, it’s the seedy, violent parts of those industries. If he owes this kind of money, the kind of money that gets you kidnapped, there is something violent happening.”

“You really think so?”

She nods. “Without a doubt. It’s good that you’re getting out before you get too attached to Anderson. Sounds like that whole family is bad news.”

“Wait, what do you mean?”

“A fish rots from the head. If Elliot is this corrupt, Anderson likely is, too.”

I shake my head. “This has been all new information for him, Cal. He had no idea any of this was going on.”

Her lips form a line and she grunts, “Hmm. If you say so. Either way, it’s good you’re not into him?—"

I give her a helpless smile.

“Crap. You are, aren’t you?”

I nod and sigh. “I think I’m falling for him. No. I know I am. Whatever is going down, I’m in it for the long haul.”

“Well, if you’re going to do something stupid, do it smart.” She cracks her knuckles and smiles at me. “Do you own a gun?”

I laugh. “No!”

“We should fix that. Also, we should get you a smart ring?—"

“A what?”

She flashes her hand out to me, pointing to the pearl ring I’ve always envied. “If I turn the pearl on this, it sends a signal to a satellite to alert my private security team in case I need to be found.”

“You’re kidding.”

“Absolutely not. I had debated giving it to you the night you had your auction, but if you were kidnapped that night, doing so would have breached my contract if they found you instead of me, and they wouldn’t have helped you.” She shrugs.

“Why do you have any of this?”

“My family has a lot of money. People do stupid things for a lot of money.”

She is not wrong. “Tell me more.”


Chapter 54