Page 103 of Highest Bidder

“What do you mean?”

“You’re the reason I have good moments. You’re the reason …” I’m not sure what to say. The words catch in my throat. “June, since the auction, you’re the reason I smile.”

Her eyes dip to my mouth and her voice softens. “I am?”

“I haven’t been able to think about anything but you since that night. It’s why I?—"

She hooks her hand behind my neck and pulls me down to her lips for a kiss. I’m surprised, and at first, I stiffen up. With everything she has been through, everything my father has put her through, I didn’t know if she’d ever want to see me again. Much less anything else. But this kiss gives me hope.

She started this. She doesn’t hate me.

It’s hard to believe that, especially now. I’ve caused her pain so many times, and with Dad’s involvement in her kidnapping, I couldn’t blame her if she had hated me forever. So, this kiss means everything to me.

June backs toward her couch, but pulls me along with her, not breaking the kiss until she lays down. But she clutches onto my shoulders to pull me down with her, coaxing me to lie on top of her. Once I do, she takes my face in her hands again and kisses me. It’s making me delirious.

I want this so much. But I cannot push her after what she’s gone through. Lying on top of her in the cradle of her thighs, I’m at war with my body. My sac aches, my cock throbs, and my heart? My heart drums rapid fire. I breathe her in during our kiss, reveling in her sweet scent. The unmistakable perfume of her body permeates my senses, and if I’m not careful, I’ll get lost in her.

Careful. Pull back.

I break the kiss, and her half-lidded eyes lift in concern. Clearing my throat, I tell her, “Let’s take this slow.”

“I am. My clothes are still on.”

I laugh and kiss her again, happy to know where her head is at. It’s been years since I’ve made out with someone on a couch. Seems so juvenile. But that’s a part of the fun, too. Like we’re two horny teenagers who can’t stop kissing.

I balance myself on my left hand, and with my right, I grope her over her shirt as a test. I have to know where this is going. When I cup her warm breast over her shirt, she moans and arches herself against my palm. There’s no hesitation in her at all, and that breaks the dam inside that’s held back my passion for June.


Chapter 48


I am going out of my mind right now. His kisses, his touch, it’s all too much and not enough, and if we don’t get to the good stuff soon, I might die.

He flicks his thumb over my hard nipple through my shirt, and I whimper in my mouth. Fuck, this man makes me crazy. He reaches beneath the hem and glides his hand up to my breasts. His growl sends a thrill through me. He runs his fingertips along the curve of my breast, before he holds me there. Warmth pools in my belly, and this is too delicious for words.

In response, I wrap him up in my legs and grind against him through our clothes. He works himself against me, and I wonder if he can make me come like this. I grab his ass and pull him tighter to me. His hard cock grinds against my clit through my pajama bottoms, and I’m sure I’ve made a mess of them. I’m so fucking wet right now. Can’t even remember what it was I was so upset about earlier.

Oh yeah. Getting kidnapped.

But right now, that’s the distant past. I have Anderson in my clutches, and I’m not letting him go. Not after he told me I’m the reason he smiles. That melted me on the spot. It wasn’t just a line. The way he looked when he said it … a guy can’t fake that earnestness. He actually cares about me. I’m not a project to him. I’m a woman he wants. He’s put my fears about that to rest, and all that’s left is us.

This is so good, and even with all the layers between us, I’m close. But I want more. I want the real thing with Anderson. And I want it now.

It’s hard to pull back from our kiss with the couch arm against the back of my head, but I manage it. “Hey?—"

He freezes. “Do you want me to stop?”

“I want you naked.”


I giggle. “Yeah, now.”

He leans back and strips fast, while I try to do the same, but it’s clumsy, since I’m trying to do it while lying down. He laughs and helps me out of my pajama bottoms after I get my shirt off, and then we’re both naked. Anderson looks at me reverently, like I’m this special thing to him. There’s no mood lighting—it’s the middle of the day in my living room, for Pete’s sake—and he can see everything, and it’s like he’s in awe of me. I’m not sure what to do with that, but I like it.

I wonder if that’s the face I’m making at him right now. He’s so handsome it hurts. He’s got a jawline for days and an illegal number of abs, but neither of those is why I’m here. It’s him. I’m so hooked on this man for so many reasons.