“Baby doll, they’re in love with the Fox. I doubt anything I could do could scare them.”

Well, she guessed that was true.

“Was that who I think it was?” Steele demanded as he walked up to them.

“Damon!” Millie cried, throwing her arms around Spike’s brother-in-law.

“Hey, Millie,” Damon said in a softer voice as he wrapped his arms around her. “Thanks for inviting us.”

“Of course! You’re family.” She drew back to smile up at him.

Then Spike cleared his throat and tugged at her. “Want to let my girl go?”

“Not really.” Damon grinned at Spike.

She sighed. Silly men.

“Well, you have to, because I want a cuddle,” Grady said, stealing her from Damon to wrap her in a tight hug.

She was so glad they’d both found Effie. They seemed so much lighter. They smiled. And even though there was still darkness in their eyes, it seemed to lighten around the blonde bombshell.

Millie turned to give Effie, then Brooks, a hug.

“Come on! It’s time for the hunt to begin. Oh, first we need the Easter Bunny to hide the eggs.” She gave Spike a look.

He just shook his head at her. “No way.”

“Please, Daddy,” she pleaded. “Someone has to do it.”

“Yeah, well, it’s not going to be me. Not. Happening.”


“Okay, everyone listen to the rules. The Easter Bunny is currently hiding all of the Easter eggs for us to hunt. You all get a basket and you can go by yourself or with friends to find the eggs. But no Daddies are allowed to help.”

She gave the Daddies a stern look while her friends all giggled.

Silly Spike had pretended that he didn’t want to get dressed in the giant bunny suit that she’d made for him. But he secretly loved it.

“All of the dogs are inside,” Razor called out as he joined them.

“Thank you,” she replied. “We don’t want any dogs eating chocolate. Now, when you’re finished you can come back here and eat as many Easter eggs as you want. No one is allowed to stop you.”

Damon grinned. “I don’t think that’s an official rule.”

“Is too! I wrote it in my official Super-Duper Easter Egg hunt notebook.”

“Well, I’ll have to ask Spike about that,” Damon said.

“No need to do that. You know what snitches get.” She pointed at Damon menacingly.

Yeah, he looked suitably impressed.

As he should be.

“Right! The Easter Bunny should be about finished. Let’s go find some eggs!” she cried.

Whoops and hollers as well as laughter followed her as she led the way through the trees.