This was harder than he’d thought. He’d managed to going up and down the stairs to get Millie a bottle. He’d even put her in a onesie. But when he’d headed back downstairs, he’d had to sit and rest.

And he was still sitting on the sofa, resting.

He heard the front door opened and he glanced over as Damon walked into the living room.

“What are you doing here?” Spike asked.

“Nice to see you too.” Damon eyed him before taking a seat in an armchair opposite him. “What’re you doing?”

“Just thought I’d go run a marathon.”

“Good plan,” Damon replied.

Spike closed his eyes, rubbing his forehead. “I feel like shit.”

“Not surprising. You were in a fucking car accident.”

There was something in the other man’s voice. Concern? Anger?

Spike stared over at him as Damon glowered at him. “I know.”

“Yeah, you know. Do you have any idea, though, what it would do to the rest of us if something happened to you?”

Fuck. He hadn’t even thought about how Damon would feel about all this. How it might be affecting him.

“I didn’t do it on purpose,” he pointed out.

“Well, don’t do it again.”

“I’ll try not to.” Spike’s lips twitched. “Especially if you’re gonna go all mother hen on me all the time.”

“Mother hen?” Damon asked. “You won’t let me help with anything, asshole.”

“We’re fine.”

“You’re not fine. You’re injured and you need time and rest to recover. And Millie is running herself ragged trying to give you that.”

“I’m taking care of Millie,” he told him.

“Good. Then let the rest of us take care of everything else. Let me help you, Quillon. You can’t look after her if you’re dead on your feet. You’re not a fucking superhero. You need help. I’m here offering help.”

Fuck it.

“Family helps each other. And we’re family, right?”

Spike sighed. Bastard had him over a barrel and he knew it. Spike needed help, he just really didn’t want to admit it.

“All right. You can help but only because Millie needs me.”

“Of course. Because of Millie. So, tell me what needs doing.” Damon stood.

“Yeah, all right.” He sighed. “Damon?”


“Thanks, man. I appreciate the help.”

“You’d do the same for me,” Damon replied.