“I’m your favorite,” Spike grumbled, knowing that he was acting like a jealous ass, but unable to stop himself.

She spun toward him, then tripped. On what, Spike had no idea, but pain flooded him when he attempted to catch her.

Thankfully, Damon grabbed her, managing to keep her upright while still holding his coffee.

“Oh drat! Sorry!” she said. “I tripped.”

Spike attempted to breathe through the pain. Fucking hell. It felt like he’d been run over by a train. Then a van. Then another train.

“Over what?” he asked through gritted teeth.

“Nothing. My own stupid feet. Oh, Daddy, are you all right?”

Stupid feet?

Nope. Not having that.

“None of you is stupid,” he said. Or he attempted to. But he was also trying not to vomit. So maybe it came out garbled.

Then he felt her cool hand on his face, soothing him. It helped break through the pain. He focused on her touch and not the stabbing agony in his brain.

“Just breathe,” she said in a quiet voice. “I’m here. I’m sorry I’m such a klutz. I’ll try to be better.”

Fuck that.

He wanted her just the way she was.

“You’re perfect. Never forget that.”

She didn’t say anything.

“And I’m keeping track of every time you’re down on yourself. There’s going to be a reckoning if you keep this up.”

“You just concentrate on feeling better.”

He could do that. And keep an eye on her.

That was his job.

Damon took the coffee mug from her hand as he led her to a chair out in the waiting room. Probably a smart idea. She wasn’t sure how she hadn’t spilled that coffee all over herself when she’d tripped over nothing.

Stupid idiot.

The nurse had come in and kicked them out of Spike’s room. Millie didn’t understand why she couldn’t stay.

“I wanted to stay with him,” she said with a small pout.

“I know, sweetheart. But I’m guessing they want to get him into the bathroom.”

“So? I could have helped.” It wasn’t as though he hadn’t helped her in the bathroom plenty of times.

“I know,” he soothed as he led her to a chair and waited until she’d sat to hand her coffee back to her. “But you know how Spike is. Independent and stubborn.”

She snorted. He had that right.

“You know he’s going to be a terrible patient, right?” Damon asked as he sat next to her.

Millie took a sip of her coffee. Ahh. Nectar of the Gods. She felt yuck. She needed a shower. A change of clothes. No doubt she looked a fright.