“Millie,” he said warningly. “I’m going to give you one more chance to pack up your Lego like a good girl.”

“And if I don’t?” she challenged.

“Then you’re spending some time in the corner.” He wouldn’t spank her when she’d just had a migraine. No way did he want to risk hurting her. But corner time was definitely a punishment she could handle.

Her lower lip trembled and he had to harden himself against giving in and letting her do whatever she wanted.

Spike knew her tricks.

“You’re being so mean, Daddy. All I was trying to do was make something beautiful for the Easter Bunny.”

“And you have,” he said. “But now it’s time to pack up.” He scooped up a handful of Lego pieces and put them in the tub. With a sigh, Millie started to help. Then he lifted her creation and set it on the shelves.

“I still don’t think it’s good enough.”

“You’re too hard on yourself.” When all of the Lego was put away, he grabbed Chompers and gave him to her. Picking up her pacifier, he placed it in her mouth. Then he scooped her up onto his hip and carried her out of the room.

Mr. Fluffy let out a woof of protest as they went past.

“If you want fed, dog, you’re going to need to get yourself down the stairs.”

Millie pulled the pacifier from her mouth. “That’s not kind, Daddy. I think we need to put in an elevator.”

“We’re not putting in an elevator for him.”

“What about one of them dumb waiter thingees?” she asked. “He could ride in that.”


“How about a sled that he can ride down the stairs and then attach a pulley system to get him back up?”

“Also nope.”

Millie sighed. “Don’t you love Mr. Fluffy, Daddy?”

“I like him. But I’m not hauling his heavy ass up the stairs on a sled. And he needs the exercise.”

“That is true, Mr. Fluffy,” she called back. “You do need the exercise! The vet said so.”

There was a growling noise from her playroom.

“Oh, I said the V-E-T word,” Millie whispered. “Oops.”

Spike started down the stairs.

“Be careful, Daddy. Don’t slip.”

“I won’t slip. Precious cargo.”

“You’re the best Daddy ever.”

“Only because I’ve got the best girl in the world.”


Spike set her down in her special high chair at the table. He strapped her in before placing some toys on the tray for her to play with.

“It’s dinosaur feeding time!” she cried as her dinosaurs started to battle it out.