“Are you laughing at a joke you told yourself?” Spike eyed her as he helped her stand.

She attempted to take her own clothes off, but he brushed her hands away and started stripping her.

“You know me well,” she told him.

“Sometimes, I think I’ll never know all of you. You always seem to surprise me.”

She bit her lip as he helped her out of her dress. Then he reached around to undo her bra.

“Is that a bad thing?” she asked, sighing relief as her boobs were released. “Free the boobs!”

His lips twitched. “I love freeing the boobs.”

Oops. She hadn’t meant to say that part out loud.

“And no . . . I like your surprises. Unless you’re putting yourself in danger. Those are bad surprises.”

“Pfft. That hardly ever happens. I’m a good girl.”

Spike’s gaze ran over her. “Yeah. You’re going to be a very good girl for me, aren’t you?”

He slid her panties down her legs.

“Hold onto my shoulders,” he said gruffly. “Lift your right foot.”

She lifted her foot.

“Baby doll?”

“Yeah?” she asked, glancing down at him. Hmm, seemed he was the one on his knees now. “You know, while you’re down there . . .”

“Yes?” He gave her a stern look.

“You could paint my toenails.”

He snorted. “Not happening, baby.”

Oh. Bummer.

“I’ll do that later,” he added.

Goody! For such a scary-looking guy, Spike was really just a big teddy bear.

For her, anyway.

“Also, you lifted your left foot not your right,” he told her before tapping her other foot. She lifted it and he drew her panties off, throwing them behind him.

“I did? Shoot. Left and right. It’s just so tricky. Does it matter, Daddy?”

“Well, it does when you’re driving.” He got to his feet and pulled her close, his large hands squeezing her ass.

“Good point. Probably also matters when you tell me to massage your left testicle and I massage the right.”

“Have I ever asked you to massage my testicles?” He gave her an incredulous look.

“No. But I am totally here for that if that’s what you need,” she told him earnestly.

“I do not need.”