
“No, what?” she asked.

“No to Daddio. I’m Daddy.”

“You sure are. Do you know what sort of Daddy you are?” she asked.

He gave her a suspicious look. “No.”

“The best Daddy!” she cried, arms in the air again.

“Yeah, nice try at distracting me. I still want to know how many people you’re expecting.”

“Hmm. Okay.” She used her fingers to start counting. When she got to around thirty, he held his hand up.

“No. Just no.”

“You say no a lot, Daddy. We need to expand your vocabulary.”

“To what? Nope. Nuh-uh. No freaking way?”

“Hmm. That’s an okay start. But I was kind of thinking more like, ‘yes, of course, baby,’ and ‘whatever you want whenever you want,’ and ‘all I want is to make you happy.’”

“Um, still no. Send less invites.”

“I can’t!”

He gave her a stern look.

“Okay . . . okay . . . I’ll cap it at thirty.”

He sighed.

“Open it, Daddy. Please!” she cried.


He opened the invitation.

It exploded in a sea of glitter. Shades of blue, green, and red rained down on Spike’s head, shoulders, and chest.

Millie placed her hand over her mouth, trying to stifle her giggles. But she couldn’t stop them from escaping. They burst out of her as she stared at Spike.

He just sat there, staring at her, still as a statue.

Mr. Fluffy let out one woof and she glanced down to find that he had glitter on his nose. He opened his eyes for a brief moment, then heaved a huge sigh before rolling over onto his side.

Mr. Fluffy was used to her by now.

“What was that?” Spike asked in a low, controlled voice.

“Glitter bomb invitation! Isn’t it the best?” She clapped her hands, bouncing up and down. “So. Much. Fun.”

“Millie,” he said in a low voice.

“Yes, Daddy?”
