I just rolled my eyes because what could they possibly be doing one day after?
* * *
It seemed like no time, and the weekend was here. Paul had yet to see his kids, even though two of them were going to daycare in the place where he worked. I didn’t push the issue because I wasn’t about to call him. I know the kids couldn’t go to his place of residence because of his girlfriend’s substance problem, but there was nothing stopping him from calling them at least once.
Even Marcus takes time out of his day to go see them at least once, and he Facetimes them at night before they go to bed. That whole week, Mo was up to something; she and my kids, but no one would tell me what was going on.
A lady and her entourage had shown up at the office by midweek to ask me a lot of questions about my fashion sense and showed me pictures of shit, but she seemed more interested in my natural response than in my words if that makes sense. Like, you know how the brain starts calculating stuff, like say, you see a car you like, but you know you can’t afford it, so instead of saying you like that car, you stay in your lane, but your eyes keep gravitating to that one particular car? It was something like that.
She’d put a row of photos down on the desk, and whichever one my eyes or hands kept going back to that was the one she’d mark. Thursday, Marcus came out of his office and told me to follow him. This time, we left the building and went back to his place, and my juices started flowing because I thought we were there for an afternoon quickie, but no.
There was a Lebanese gentleman waiting with another entourage of men and women, all of them holding what looked like covered trays. Once we were inside and they removed the cloth covers those ‘trays’ were filled with all kinds of jewels and gems. Justice passed out from excitement.
‘Bitch we made it.’
Not now, Justice. I can’t think right now. Do not show your ass in front of these people. I was just sitting there gripping my hands together when the head guy looked at me and then looked at Marcus. “The lady will choose herself.”
Marcus’ voice snapped me out of it, and I opened my mouth to say I couldn’t choose because I had no idea what the hell I was choosing. “The engagement ring first, yes?” I could only nod my head because I was overwhelmed.
You dream about living a life of luxury, and it’s usually based on things you’ve seen in the movies or read in magazines. Marcus is the kind of rich you don’t ever hear about. The kind of rich that doesn’t make it to Forbes because then somebody would have to die.
I’m saying this is fucking insane. Look, they’d killed off my twin, and he is nothing if not a luxury hag. When I tell you these trays were piled high with more gold than the FED, diamonds, pearls, rubies, sapphire, emeralds, carbuncle, you name it, it was there.
There was one wedding set, or at least I think that’s what it was. The wedding band itself looked like a laurel wreath pattern with tiny diamonds covering the whole surface, and the matching engagement ring had a five-carat center stone with more laurel wreath motif along the sides.
“This is beautiful.” I almost asked Justice what he thought, but he was busy making googly eyes at Marcus.
“She’ll have that one; have it fitted and ready by tomorrow. Take care of all the rest as well.”
“Wait, all?”
“For starters, yes. Your everyday jewelry will come from somewhere else. Abou only deals with luxury gems; that stuff isn’t suitable for everyday wear and tear.”
That made my eyes fall on the tennis bracelet he’d sent me a while ago, and got mad because I wasn’t wearing it the next time he saw me. When I explained how terrified I was to wear the thing lest I lose it, he’d snorted and said it was insured for more than some people’s lives and commanded me to wear it. I haven’t taken it off since.
After those people left and we were in the car headed back to the office I had to ask. “Did you just buy all of that jewelry?”
“Yes, was there something you didn’t like?”
‘If you don’t shut your G-D mouth in this bitch.’
“Uh, no, nothing.”
“Thanks, Justice.” He grinned.
“I knew it. I knew you were up to something.” I am a nervous wreck. First, because it was my girls’ first time in Marcus’ house, and I was terrified that they were going to break shit.
Justice was having a fit because he swore they were going to break shit and fuck up his relationship. He’s been ranting and raving like a lunatic since last night when we got here.
What I didn’t expect was to wake up and see my whole damn family in his house. Mom, Dad, brothers, sisters, and their kids and significant others. The lady that had come to the office with the fashion police was there with what I knew was a bridal dress.
I’m not sure, but I think she might be a mind reader. The dress she chose matched the ring set. It looked like something from a fairy garden. It was long, fitted, and made of hand-woven lace inserted with what I hope were crystals and not diamonds.
I knew what was going on after I tried on the dress, and they wouldn’t let me take it off. Then Mom, my sisters, and Mo were there, and so were Mila and Angelina, who came to do my hair and makeup.