* * *
I’m fussing at Monique because I’m pissed and have to find a way to hide it. I should’ve been there, no matter that my presence would’ve opened a whole other can of worms. He shouldn’t have gotten that close to her on my watch.
I want to go find him and tear his limbs from his torso and beat him with them, but that wouldn’t be of any help to her or the situation.
I called Caleb as soon as I kicked Monique out of my office. I know she was lying to me; she didn’t need to break that man’s arm, but I’m not mad at her either since I couldn’t do it myself. Not yet anyway. I have a feeling there’ll be plenty of opportunities in the future because Paul seems to be one of those men who thinks everything revolves around them.
I’d only been out of the country one day because I had some things to take care of, but I didn’t know that that was all the time that was needed for him to make a play. He hadn’t shown any interest in her or the girls since that night at the party, as far as I can tell, which was working out swell for her case, according to Caleb.
“I want you to push everything forward. Use all the information we’ve found to bury him.”
“Even the stuff from work?”
“Yes, use it to get him to sign off on the divorce, but don’t let him know that I know, of course. Make it seem as if you’d keep it to yourself as long as he signs, but I want it done by the end of this week.”
“Will do.”
“Call me once you’ve taken care of it.” I hung up the phone and sat back in my chair with a heavy heart and a restless mind. Even if Monique was embellishing a bit, the fact still remains that he’d been to her home. What was his reason for going there late at night?
Was he trying to get back with her? The emotions that thought brought forth in me are the reason for my call to Caleb. I don’t want that asshole thinking for even a second that he has any hold over her or any say in her life.
His children, I can’t see myself coming between him and them if he really wants to be a father, but that’s up to the courts to decide, though if it were left up to me, he’d never be around them again. As far as I’m concerned, he gave up the rights to his kids the moment he cheated on their mother.
But I might be a bit biased when it comes to that. Though I was already an adult when my parents split, I still remember my father trying to get me to side with him against my mother. I can’t imagine how that would’ve gone had I been a much younger, impressionable kid like her girls.
It hurts me to think of them being hurt by this as well because I know that pain, but how is it going to be for them at this age?
* * *
* * *
“What already? And Paul agreed?”
“Yes, he did. He wants to get the divorce over with as well; it looks like.”
“Wow, I thought this would drag on for months, if not years. Are you sure?”
“Yes, his lawyer just left my office. It’s a done deal. All that’s left is custody, and I don’t think that’s going to be much trouble. As of now, he doesn’t have a permanent residence, so you’ll have primary custody for the time being.”
“Wait, doesn’t he live with his girlfriend?”
He didn’t answer me but looked over at Marcus, who was sitting there saying nothing.
“That’s all for now, Caleb, thank you. Let us know when everything has been filed.”
I can’t believe this is it. I’d just signed my divorce papers, and it felt like nothing. Are these things really that easy? I thought I’d have to spend months, if not years, fighting because Paul would never give me everything I was asking for without a fight.
I looked at Marcus, who had a blank look on his face. I’ll have to ask Mo what she knows about this because I’m pretty sure he had something to do with it, but what?
* * *
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