If there’s one thing Justice hates, it’s being told what the fuck he can and cannot do. So I held the mike and hoped for the best.

“As I was saying. My husband likes to fuck me up the ass with a pogo stick. Do you think that skinny bitch over there could take a pogo stick up the ass? No, she cannot, so tell me then why after ten years of letting him fuck me up the ass with a Pogo stick, he would cheat on me with that skank.” What the fuck, Justice?

People started laughing like my life was a joke, but at least they were looking at his freaky ass now. If there’s one thing Justice likes, it’s an audience. He loves nothing better than showing his ass and leaving me to pick up the pieces.

“Oh, and the best part is after he’s fucked me up the ass with the pogo stick, he likes me to sit on his face ass first, so that means, my dear, that you have been licking my ass juice off his face for a year.”

Now, the room was filled with laughter and people talking behind their hands. I got down off the podium and walked towards the lovely couple. “Jus…” That’s all my ex-Paul got out before I reached out and touched his bitch.

Open hand, right across the cheek. When he tried to help her up off the floor, I got him in the nuts with my knee. Now, they were both down. “Stay down there where you both belong.”

Just then, the final act of my show showed up. The babysitter with his three kids and their overnight bags. “Daddy!” They came running when they saw him.

“Pay the babysitter, and it’s your weekend. Not at my house, though; you can find somewhere else to go.” I walked out the door without a backward glance and headed for my car. I got a plane to catch.


“Who is she?”

“That’s the VP's wife. I think. What the hell is going on?”

“I don’t know what’s going on, but that woman is hot.” Who the fuck in their right mind would cheat on her?

Looks like I came home at the right time. Guess that means I can let Grandpa off the hook for disrupting my life. I watched the hot blonde slap the shit out of my stepsister and then deboned her husband before saying something to them.

“Are those her kids?”

“I think so.” Even the corporate lackey my grandfather, had saddled with me looked confounded. That’s what happens with these yuppy types; they get lost when they see a real woman in the wild.

Then again, I could be the problem, seeing as how I have always liked my women a little nutty. This one isn’t only that, but she’s hot as fuck, with curves in all the right places.

Even with that, it was hard to imagine that the bombshell had given birth to the three kids who ran over to her and whatever she was doing over there.

The kids probably thought it was a game because they jumped on their Dad’s back and started playing while their mother just walked out of the room.

I followed her with my eyes until she disappeared out the door, then made a split-second decision to follow her. My gut has never steered me wrong, and it was kicking up a fuss right now as soon as I lost sight of her.

I didn’t exactly catch up to her, but I reached my car just as she was pulling out of her spot, so it was easy to follow her. I asked myself a few times what the hell I was doing as I followed her out of the city, past the county line, and into the next state.

We were on the road a good two hours before I realized we were headed to the beach. She better not be going to drown herself, or I’d be very disappointed.

I didn’t even realize she’d stopped until I almost ran into the back of her. There were no streetlights on this stretch of road, and the grass was as tall as a man.

I watched her get out of the car and wondered what the hell she was doing now when she walked back to my car and knocked on the window.

I rolled it down only to have a gun pointed in my face. “Why the fuck are you following me asshole?” My grin threw her off, but I couldn’t help it. Oh, bless you, Grandpa, for making me give up my wild ways and come back to the fold.

* * *


* * *

Bless his heart; he’s touched in the head. That didn’t mean I was about to put away my gun, though. I’d been driving along, minding my business, and talking to myself. I was still so mad that I wanted to turn back and finish what I started.

Since I didn’t want to end up as a YouTube video, I changed my mind about getting on a plane. The way I feel I’d slap the shit out of the first person who looked at me cross-eyed, and the airport these days seem to be filled with asswipes.

So, I switched directions in my head and headed for my family’s beach house instead. No one will be there this time of year; it was too early in the season, but I’ve got a key and an open invitation from Momma and Daddy, as do all my siblings.