I figured since a man as serious as he was had accepted this twin of hers that lives in her head then there must be something to it. It wasn’t just some cutesy, quirky thing; for her, this was real. I’m sure it’s some type of coping mechanism, but those usually work in distress. I don’t think I’ve ever heard of them being around in times of happiness.
She rested her head on my chest, and I wrapped my arm around her before closing my eyes again. “You think I’m crazy, don’t you?”
“The West labels everything crazy. Some things are just people’s way of dealing. If some people really saw what crazy looked like, they’d crap themselves, let alone sit in an office with it on their couch.”
That’s one of the things that pissed me off greatly as I traveled around the world and learned the things I did. For a very long time, I was obsessed with my mother’s death. I couldn’t understand why a person would get to that point. It didn’t help that my sperm donor had claimed that this proved that she’d had a mental illness, and so it justified him leaving her.
No one told me back then that all mental illness does not mean crazy. Mental just means of the mind; sometimes, the mind, like the heart, can get broken, and that pain is too unbearable for some.
When you have a pain, you take something for that pain; when your heart and mind are broken, wouldn’t you want to take something or do something to make the pain go away?
I still don’t fully know what leads some to end things themselves, but I do know that the mind can be broken due to things done by others. And when those things include matters of the heart, it can destroy a person from within.
People gut old, rotten houses and start anew. But there’s no way to rip the heart and mind out of you and start over. He’d broken her. The sperm donor and his calculating bitch of a woman.
Now, she’s going to suffer a fate which, to her, is worse than hell. I wonder how many people in the US know that there’s still such a thing as chain gangs.
“Don’t use that word to describe yourself again.” When she peeped up at me with her head still resting on my chest, I started to lower my head, my eyes honed in on her lips, and then I caught myself.
This was actually harder than I thought it would be. I’d trained myself not to need sex and not to put too much stock in a woman’s physical appearance. I think after my father’s affair, something about my sexuality had changed, and I became cold and animalistic even when it came to sex.
I could go months without my body needing that release and had used physical and mental exercise to keep my libido under control. But with her it’s become almost next to impossible. I thought having her near me would be a good thing, that it would help tame the feelings that were growing inside me for her.
But it was the opposite. Things had started out fine enough, but I don’t know if it was Monique or the stylist, but they started dressing her in these eye-catching colors, like hot pink, but with a warmer undertone, oranges and yellows. Not to mention, her suits were now mostly skirts, and then there were the dresses.
I left the office one day to approach her desk and had to turn around, slam the door to my office, and take a couple of deep breaths. She’d been stooping down to take something up off the floor, but there was a clear shot down the center of her cleavage from my vantage point when I walked through my office door.
After that day, I became more and more aware of her presence just outside the door, just a few short feet away. And I could tell you everything she wore the last week, right down to the jewelry that she still thinks is fake because no one told her that twenty-four-carat gold looks nothing like the rest.
I told Monique and the others not to tell her the truth because I didn’t want her stressing over such things. It’s true that I have no real interest in high fashion for myself. Though my clothes are overly expensive, they are always understated for a reason.
But for her, I want her to shine. Like a peacock showing off its feathers, I want her to stand out because I know who will be seeing and who will be tormented by her glow-up, as they say.
‘This is the Caribbean; look at the turquoise… Eh, grandma, put down the gunnysack and pick up the thong if you wanna get bred this weekend.’
Justice, I promise I will drown you in the Caribbean Sea. Zip it. He zipped his lips with his fingers and pouted. I guess that means we’re not speaking. Thank goodness.
I could hear my kids squealing in the room next door, and it took me a second to realize that I didn’t have to run to see what was going on. The two women who were hired to come along with us were here for the sole purpose of watching my kids.
These were not just au pairs; their credentials were as good as, if not better than, most master’s programs. One was medically trained, while the other was an expert in early childhood development.
It was obvious that he had chosen them purposely, and I heard from Monique that they had been vetted back a couple of generations. I didn’t even know people really did things like that in real life.
We were on one of those water bungalow things in the Caribbean, but I didn’t know which island; I knew nothing. We didn’t get off the plane and go through customs; they came to us. He just needed whatever that thing was that Carl kept showing everyone, and then they turned to Marcus, bowed, and got off the plane.
I think poor Justice thought we were about to get arrested because he ran and hid after proclaiming, and I quote, ‘I knew this bitch couldn’t pull anything that fine unless he was cuckoo for cocoa puffs.’
Now he’s back front and center, batting his lashes and acting like he’s not a damn traitor.
* * *
Okay, so I took Justice’s advice on the bikini, but there’s no way I was doing that walk he showed me in my head. I’ve never sashayed my ass before in my life, and who the hell wears heels to the beach? I pushed my feet into the comfortable sandals that were waiting for me, along with everything else that I had on.
Marcus or whoever he had told to shop for me had included a wide range of clothing, from conservative to hot Miami nights, which tends to be Justice’s whorerobe of choice. It got me to wondering if Marcus really wanted to see me in that stuff or what.
That’s how I ended up in the colorful thong bikini with the scandalous bra top that barely covered the flesh of my tits. Thankfully, there was a coverup, but that only wrapped around my hips, leaving my middle and my top half completely bare.