‘I’ve been saying that shit all week, Daddy. We on the same wavelength, but sister Beatrice over here has decided that she only likes chumps.’

Justice, haven’t you heard the saying once bitten, twice shy?

‘I don’t know about none a that. All I know is real country anaconda let me play with this rifle. If you hadn’t been staring at his junk so long that night on the beach, I wouldn’t even have noticed, so blame yourself for this shit.’

“We’re here.”

“Oh! How long were we sitting here?”

“Only about two minutes. You were deep in conversation, it seemed from the look of concentration on your face, and I didn’t want to interrupt.”

“Oh, sorry about that.”

“We should get them inside and in bed.”

I looked over at my kids, who were all passed out. He helped me carry them from the car into the house, two in his arms, one in mine. He left me while I was changing them into their night clothes but came back to the room with a bowl of warm water.

“I couldn’t find anything else, so I hope this is okay.”

“What?” He knelt next to Gracie’s bed first and dipped the washcloth he’d found in the kids’ bathroom in the water and wiped her hands before moving on to do the same with the other two.

Once again, I felt my eyes tear up. Justice sighed and put his hands under his chin as he eyed Marcus. ‘We’re keeping him bitch. You couldn’t even get your ex to wipe their nose.’

When he was done helping clean the girls up I was doubly uneasy now for sure. Here it comes; he’s going to hint that maybe I should do something for him after all his trouble.

Instead, he kissed my temple at the door and left. “I’ll see you at the office tomorrow. Sleep well, love.” And just like that, he was gone. I stood there for a good five minutes after he was gone, not quite understanding what was happening.

It was then I realized that I’d been little more than a prostitute in my marriage. Paul always wanted something in return for everything he did, even when it involved his kids.

How had I not noticed any of this before? And how had I let it go on this long without checking him on his bullshit? Had I lost my spine at the altar? Or was I too proud to call it quits because I didn’t want family and friends to see me as a quitter, a loser who couldn’t keep her own family together?

Or was it for the kids that I put up with so much?

‘Fuck them kids and the dick they rode in on.’

I’m going to find a way to medicate his disrespectful ass that won’t have an impact on me.


“What’s this?” I was in my office actually working for once and not plotting against my enemies when she buzzed through to let me know that my grandfather’s personal attorney was here to see me.

I thought he was supposed to be in the middle of the ocean? I kinda knew he’d said that so his son wouldn’t try contacting him about getting fired, but I also hoped he'd actually take a vacation and get some rest.

He'd spent the last couple of years hounding me to come home until I told him my terms, and he caved. Now that I think about it, he gave in too easily, but that’s a different story for another time.

The snake oil salesman entered my office all smiles, and I knew he and the old man were about to fuck with me. Every time this bastard shows up, there’s always some shit behind it that’s meant to drive me insane.

He passed me the leather folder he was carrying, and I asked what it was before opening it. “Look inside.”

It only took one glance at the first page to realize what it was. “Is this a prenup?”

“Yes, your grandfather is aware of how you spent your weekend. He’s also aware of your proposal and thought it best we get ahead of things.” Who the fuck is the spy on my team? I’ll think about that later. It doesn’t help to take my eye off this one because he’s slippery, just like the old man.

Birds of a feather. Grandpa had paid to put him through college a hundred years ago, and he’s been his lawyer ever since. The two of them are the oddest pair. An old wealthy white man who was born with a gold spoon up his ass and a black kid from the mean streets of Chicago.

How the two of them came to be, a match made in hell is a story I’d heard all my life. Calvin, the lawyer, had saved Grandpa from a robbery or something when he was fourteen, and that’s where their bond began. I can’t tell which of the two is more annoying when they start their shit.

“I’m not signing it, and neither is she. If you go around me to get to her, they’ll never find your body. Here.”