Page 64 of Ruby Mayhem

“I can’t share with you all the details… I’m sure you understand. It’s a part of an ongoing investigation into the Vyronov Bratva’s dealings. We’ve been building a case against him and his organization.”

I shake my head, trying to process this. “You’ve been watching him… us… all this time?”

“That’s right.” He nods. “We know you were taken into his compound some weeks ago. We’ve been keeping a close eye on things.”

My cheeks start to burn at the thought of what they might have seen. “Oh,” is all I manage to say.

“We’ve been looking for a way to connect with you,” the woman joins the conversation. “And we…” She stops. “I’m Cassie, by the way. Agent Cassie Miller. This is Agent Kyle Barlow,” she points at the younger man near her, “and the old guy in the driver’s seat is Agent Timothy Cruise.”

“Who you calling old you little brat?” He gives her a mock scowl. She grins back at him.

I lift a hand to stop them. “Wait. Aren’t you supposed to show me some sort of identification? Like a secret agent card or something?”

Agent Thomson reaches into his jacket pocket and pulls out a wallet-sized folder and flips it open for me. I scrutinize it closely so he can see that I’m paying attention. I’m obviously no expert, but it looks pretty convincing. It clearly says FBI with capital letters and it has the picture of Agent Greg Thomson on it. Right. It could be fake, though. Not that I would know.

“Good enough?” Agent Thomson asks. I slowly nod. “Anyway,” he goes on, “we were given information that you’d been taken into the Vyronov household, and-”

“Who gave you this information?” I interrupt him sharply.

There’s another exchange of glances. “Your father,” Greg tells me. “He was working with us. As an informant.”

I stare at him.

“We’re so very sorry for your loss,” Agent Cassie Miller says quickly.

“We made contact with him about a year ago. He’s been feeding us information about Vyronov’s operations,” Greg adds.

My father?

What the actual fuck?

I can’t make sense of any of this. “Are you saying he was one of you? The… good guys?”

“Well…” Agent Thomson looks awkward. “I wouldn’t go that far.”

“He was a federal informant, Tiana,” Cassie says. “He exchanged information for a ticket out of here. So that… he can escape.”

“And traded me for that ticket. Gee, what a prince,” I mutter.

“He was concerned about you,” she reassures me. “He-”

“He freaking sold me!” I snap.

Greg Thomson huffs. “That was unavoidable.”

“Unavoidable?” I know my eyes are wide. “Anything could have happened to me in there!” And now, when I think about the things that did happen to me, I find myself thinking of Kirill. And my heart aches. And my private parts too.

“The plan was to get you out of there as soon as possible, Tiana,” Cassie goes on. “Your father needed to get closer. Having you in the Vyronov household gave him a way in.”

I suddenly feel sick at the thought of what they’re saying to me. “Right. So you’re saying he used me… All of you used me.”

There’s silence at that.

“You make me sick to my stomach, you know that?” I spit the words out. I’ve shuffled onto my butt to sit up now, and I glare around at them as I lean up against the wall of the van.

Agent Thomson takes over again. “It was regrettable. However, your father had already found himself in a position where he needed to do it. We simply tagged our investigation onto his… circumstances.”

“My circumstances, you mean?” I’m still glaring. “I’m the one who was in there. I’m the one who was sold at a fucking auction! I’m the one who was handed over to Kirill Vyronov on a platter!”