Page 14 of Ruby Mayhem

“There are other things that happen in my dreams, little bird. But that’s a matter for another discussion.” His eyes lock with mine again, and there’s amusement in his. Fine lines at the corners of his eyes deepen slightly, and I know that inside, he’s laughing at me. Which makes me hate him even more.

Think of the money.

You can do this!

Though in another life, I wouldn’t need the promise of cash to make me want this man. Which makes me wonder why he’d feel that he needs to pay for me. I can’t think of many women who’d turn him down. And if anything, the thinly veiled air of danger only makes him more appealing.

Not that I find him appealing, of course. I most certainly don’t. That would be perverse.

“So you have me here. What happens now?” I tighten my arms over my chest and stick my jaw out belligerently.

He cocks his head, that square jaw angling slightly. “What do you think happens now, Tiana?”

The question hangs in the air like a swirling cloud of tension.

And for the life of me, I can’t answer it.

Chapter Six


The tension between us is heavy.

I watch her through hooded eyes as she stands before me, vulnerability wrapped in defiance. Her dark curls are a shadowy halo around her pale face, and her chest heaves with barely contained panic. I lean back against my desk, resting against the edge as I fold my arms over my chest in a subtle mirror of her posture. She hasn’t answered me. Probably waiting for me to pounce on her and claim her innocence.

That’s never been my style, and I don’t intend to start now. But my plans have taken a turn since I last saw her.

“Here is the deal,” I begin, keeping my voice steady so she’ll understand every word. “I need a wife. And an heir. And you are going to provide these things for me.” There’s no softness in my tone, no room for negotiation. I’ve played this game long enough to know when to reveal my hand. And I’ve thought this through. Sure, this wasn’t part of the original deal. But there’s a lot more that I can gain from this situation than simply digging up dirt on Theodore Avants. Establishing my family line in the organization will be good for my reputation.

Tiana’s eyes widen, and her mouth drops open. “A wife?” she chokes out. “You… you mean you expect me to marry you?”

I nod. “Da,” I confirm, the single syllable clear and final. “And you will give me a child.”

She’s shaking her head before I finish my sentence. “Oh, no! No-no-no-no!” she babbles. “Just… no!”

“I don’t think you have much say in the matter,” I smirk.

“You can’t! I won’t!” she blurts.

“I can. And you will.” I straighten away from the desk, and she shrinks back. “I always get what I want. And I want this. I own you, Tiana. You will do as I tell you.”

“My God! You’re a monster!” Her eyes are wide. Wild.

Blyad, she’s so fucking beautiful.

“I may be, but I am not an unreasonable one, Ptichka… my little bird. Once you’ve fulfilled your part of the bargain, there’s a million dollars waiting for you.” I’ve made this deal attractive, but whether she takes the money or not, she will do it because I demand it.

Tiana recoils as if I’ve struck her, her breath coming out in short gasps. “You think money will make me do this for you?” She’s frantic, a caged bird looking for an escape that doesn’t exist. It’s almost amusing.

“I am sure it will sweeten the deal,” I confirm, my gaze never leaving her face.

Her hands clench into fists at her sides as she scrambles for a way out of this. But it’s futile. I own her, body and soul — it’s going to start to sink in soon.

“Never!” She spits the word out, but the trembling in her voice betrays her fear. “I won’t be a pawn in your sick game.”

“Ah, but you are much more than a pawn.” My smile is slow, predatory. “You will be the queen I need to secure my kingdom. You should feel honored, Tiana.”

“Honored?” She backs away, her movements jerky and desperate. “You arrogant bastard! Why should I feel honored to be forced into this… this nightmare?”