Page 9 of Ruby Mayhem

“Yes.” I take in a deep breath, realizing I’d completely zoned out while Roxie was speaking to me.

“I want you to let me know when you get there. Even if you just shoot me a text to say everything’s cool. Coz you know I’m your bestie, right? And besties look out for each other. Plus, you can tell me what his place looks like. I bet it’s amazing.”

“Sure.” I fight back tears as it occurs to me that Roxie is probably the only person on Earth who cares whether I live or die right now. Aside from the man who sees me as a million-dollar fucktoy. “I’ll be in touch.”

“Cool. Keep your chin up. Things are going to work out.”

“Yeah. Chat soon.” I end the call before she can hear the catch in my voice. I don’t need her to launch into another pep talk. Instead, I turn my attention to dragging my luggage down from the top of the closet and begin carelessly tossing clothing into it. I’m too busy listening for the footsteps in the hallway that will mark the arrival of my escort out of here to care what I’m packing right now.

Besides, it’s all Dad’s bullshit idea of what my fashion sense should be. I ditch the prissy dresses in favor of a heap of plain T-shirts and jeans. A couple of pairs of sneakers will be enough to get me by.


I don’t know who I hate more right now – my father or the bastard who bought me.

Both of them, in equal measure!

Angrily zipping my suitcase shut, I take a look around my room. There’s nothing here I want to take with me. There is nothing that won’t remind me of the man who fathered me… and then auctioned me to the highest bidder. I give my cosmetics case a cursory glance before shoving it back on the dressing table.

Fuck him.

I’m not going to put in effort to make myself pretty for this jerk. Kiril fucking Vyronov can take it or leave it. In fact, maybe it will be better if I don’t brush my teeth or wash my hair. Let’s see how much he thinks I’m worth, then!

For several minutes, pure fury drives my erratic movements around the room. Minutes that drag, and yet go too fast. Minutes that are drawing me inescapably toward a point that I don’t want to think about. Every creak from outside has sweat beading on my brow, every voice in the distance has me cringing.

And then there’s a knock on the door, and my heart races.

This is it.

The start of a new chapter in the story of my life.

A story that’s turning into a nightmare.

And Kirill Vyronov is the monster at the center of it.

Chapter Four


I raise my arm and glance at the Breitling strapped to my wrist. She’ll be here in just a couple of hours.


The name swirls around in my head. When I’ve said it out loud, I’ve liked the way it rolled off my tongue. I can almost taste it… I can’t help but feel a strange anticipation bubbling up inside me. I lean back in my high-backed leather office chair and stretch my legs out in front of me. My muscles feel tense… wired. I’m coiled like a spring, but there’s no sense of impending danger attached to it.

I like this feeling.

It’s like my blood is on fire but in a good way.

It must be the girl. There’s something about her. It’s been a long time since anything made me feel this level of anticipation. I think back to when I first saw her, her dark hair cascading down her back, her eyes filled with fear and defiance. So much innocence, and yet so much promise of hidden pleasures beneath it all.

Head in the game, Vyronov.

That’s not why she’s here!

There’s a nagging apprehension in the back of my mind.

Theo fucking Avants.