Page 8 of Ruby Mayhem

“Still,” Roxie’s voice is suddenly almost cheery. “It could be worse, right? I mean, you could be losing it to some dude who sucks at sex. But an older guy… who’s hot… that might not be so bad. I bet he knows what he is doing. Maybe it won’t be that bad.”

“For fuck’s sake, Rox! I’ve been sold to some sleazy mob boss as a sex toy. It is bad!”

“Sure, but look on the bright side: at least you’re out from under your fuck-head father’s thumb. And these mob guys take care of their women. At least, that’s what I’ve heard from Dad’s buddies.”

“No Roxie! There is no bright side to this scenario,” I snap. I pull my comforter closer up under my chin. I can’t believe how blasé she’s suddenly being. I love my bestie, but sometimes she creates bizarrely romanticized versions of reality. “I can’t see any way that I’m ever going to be happy as this man’s plaything.”

“Look, I’m just trying to help you see a silver lining. This might not be the end of the world, Tee.” Roxie grows firm. “There’s no getting out of it, right?”

I pinch my lips together. “I’m stuck,” I acknowledge. “Dad said I shouldn’t bother trying to run to the cops. They’ve been paid off. And this guy’s above the law, it would seem. So no, I can’t get out of this.”

“Then try to make the best of it. Change your perspective. You’re moving in with a hot older guy who’s clearly loaded, and will probably take care of you. How much did he pay for you, by the way?”

“I don’t see how-”

“Come on! Just tell me already.”

“A million,” I mumble.

“A million freaking dollars??” she shrieks. “Oh my God, Tiana! He paid a million dollars for you? Holy fucking shit! That’s next level!”

“What difference does that make?”

“A big difference. He’s not going to treat you bad if he spent that much money, babe. He’ll take care of you, or he’d be losing on his investment.”

“Investment? Gee, thanks.” That doesn’t make me feel better at all. I drop my comforter and sit up straighter. I’m going to have to get up at some point.

“Fuck. I wish some dude would pay a million bucks for me. Might finally get out of this shithole life my father got stuck in. Idiot can’t even work his way up the ranks.”

“Stop it! This isn’t about you, Roxanne. I’m freaking out here. You could at least be serious about it.”

“I am serious, Tee. Like you said, you have to do this thing; there’s no way out. So suck it up and turn it to your advantage. Be nice to him, then let him get you cool clothes, jewelry… a Ferrari. Hell, maybe you’ll score a new pair of tits.”

“What? What the hell is wrong with my tits, Roxie?”

“Nothing! Yet. But in a few years… Well, you know what I mean.”

“You’re not filling me with joy here.”

“I don’t think you’re in the right frame of mind for joy, so I’m trying to point out the positives. You’re a survivor, Tiana. Ever since your mom vanished you’ve looked after yourself. You handled that, and you can handle this.”

“I guess there’s that.” I sigh.

“Besides,” she says brightly. “He’ll probably get bored of you at some point, and then he might let you go so he can get a younger model.”

“Oh, geez; there’s something to look forward to. A few years of high-end sexual slavery before I get thrown out with the trash.”

“Tiana! Quit that, okay? Promise me you’ll be strong through this. That’s all I’m asking you to do.”

I rub my eyes, swing my legs from my bed, and stand, moving toward my closet. There isn’t much time left. I have to pack my things before the driver comes for me.

“Fine.” I exhale the word. “I’ll look for the positives.” As hard as it seems, Roxie probably has a point. What choice do I have? “I’d better go. I only have an hour to get my shit together.” I open the closet door and look through my things. I suddenly hate it all. Hate that my wardrobe is a reflection of the life that my father mapped out for me. A life that’s led me here instead of the future most women my age look forward to.

Marriage… love… kids… a career…

There’s that lump in my throat again.

“Tee? Are you there?”