Page 69 of Ruby Mayhem

Tiana shrinks back against the door. “I’m sorry,” she says, setting her chin straight. “I didn’t mean to worry you.”

“Sorry doesn’t fucking cut it, Ptichka! You could have been killed out there for fuck’s sake? Do you understand that?” I take a step closer to her, getting right in her face. Something flickers in her eyes, and her posture stiffens.

“Well, sorry is all I’ve got, okay?” She takes in a breath. “I needed time… to think.”

“What the fuck is wrong with thinking here?” I bark, pointing at the floor in front of her. She looks down, and so do I. Her sneakers are scuffed and muddy, reminding me of her foolish trek through the undergrowth.

“I couldn’t think here because you were here!” she snaps.

I narrow my eyes on her. “And that is where you should have been too. Here. With me.”

“Are you not hearing me?” She stomps her foot. “I needed to get out!”

“Out?” I scoff. “Do you have any idea what could have happened to you out there?”

“Of course, I do! I could have been free. Free and away from this… this…” She flings her hands out on either side of her.

“This what?”

“Away from this Bratva bullshit. Free from being a commodity you traded for money!” Her voice pitches high on the last word.

“So you ran.”

“What did you expect from me, Kirill?”

She can’t possibly understand the danger she put herself in. The world I live in doesn’t give mercy to the weak or the vulnerable. And no one I know is as vulnerable as she is. Especially now that being with me has put a target on her back. Petrov and others like him are waiting for her to expose herself, exactly the way she did.

“I expected you to not act like a spoiled child.”

“Spoiled child?” She scoffs. “You’re calling me a spoiled child?”

“What else should I call you?”

“By my name. But frankly, I’d prefer it if you didn’t call me anything at all. I’d prefer it if you just let me go!”

“That will never happen. You know that.”

“Because you own me.”

“Yes. Because I own you.”

Yeah, that.

And I can’t fucking stand the thought of anything bad ever happening to you.

“Well, that’s too fucking bad, Mr. Bratva! Because then I’m just going to try to escape again!” Her jaw is out, her eyes flaring.

Fuck, she’s beautiful.

“Then I will fucking lock you in a goddamned cage until you can see sense.” My breath is coming fast.

“Go right ahead, you dick! I’ll find a way out!” She’s panting too, her cheeks flushed with anger.


Really fucking beautiful.

And I’m still fucking furious.