Page 68 of Ruby Mayhem

“Chert voz’mi!” I rub my forehead. “So she was out in the street in the middle of the fucking night.” I don’t want to think about what could have happened with her out there.

“I think we’re going to have to cast the net wider, Boss.”

I let out a sigh, feeling the weight of my frustration and anger continuing to bubble inside me. I carelessly let her out of my sight and here we are.


“Then do it,” I tell him. “Get the men out there now. Whoever finds her gets a million bonus.” Even as I say it, I don’t hold out much hope of getting any useful intel. It’s unlikely that she’s simply wandering around out there. And if Petrov’s people picked her up, whatever we learn will be irrelevant. The motherfucker will have her, and he’ll contact me with his demands. Or I’ll be getting her body back in bloody pieces packed in boxes.


My stomach churns and my lips tingle as adrenaline floods me once again.

“I’ll keep you updated, Boss,” Dima says over his shoulder as he leaves. I barely pay attention to the words. I know he will. Instead, I’m scowling down at my phone as if it’s going to burst into flames at any moment while I stalk across the lawn back to the house. I can’t waste another fucking second waiting around here. I must get out and do something that feels like I’m not just killing time.

I’m halfway to the house when a voice stops me in my tracks.

“Kirill!” The figure moving toward me has me shaking my head to clear it. I stand rooted to the spot as I take in the sight, half-convinced that I’m seeing things.

It’s her!

“Tiana!” By the time I realize, my legs have sprung into action and I’m sprinting across the grass toward her. As I reach her, I grab her with both hands and sweep her up against my chest. “Fuck!” I wrap my arms around her so tightly that she makes a little gasping sound.

Jesus Christ Vyronov, what the fuck are you doing?

It’s an unfamiliar to be this much affected by a woman, but I don’t give a fuck anymore. I found her and that’s all that matters.

“Kirill. I’m so sorry,” she says, her voice muffled by my shirt. Pulling her away, I hold her out from me and trace my eyes over her.

“You are safe, Ptichka.” The words never sounded sweeter. I run my hands up and down her arms, and then over her hips as I examine her from head to toe. “You are not hurt?”

“No.” She shakes her head. “I’m not hurt.”

“Fuck!” I say again. “I thought…” I stop, finally allowing myself to release the nightmare visions that have been assaulting me since I found out she was gone. What Petrov would have done to her in revenge for his nephew’s death… I force myself not to think about it anymore.

“I’m fine, really.” She gives a weak smile.

I narrow my eyes on her. Where the fuck has she been? The words are on the tip of my tongue… but this is not the place for this conversation.

“Inside,” I say. I keep a firm grasp on her hand as I step away and start walking briskly back to the house. Now that she’s back, it feels like standing outside is too exposed. I feel raw out here.

She jogs to keep up. “I didn’t mean-”

“Not now.” I keep walking. I need to tell the others that the crisis is over. “Dima!” I call. He’s nowhere in sight but I spot Yuri, my head of security. “Prekratit’ poisk. Call off the search. She’s safe.”

He stares curiously at Tiana, probably fighting down a thousand questions, but he’s too well trained to ask any of them. “Da, Pakhan.” He gives a curt nod then turns on his heel and jogs off to where some of the other men are gathered near the front gate.

Tiana follows me inside the house, and I pull her into the main living room and slam the door behind us. I can’t fucking believe she got away from me like that. My heart is still pounding in my chest, and my blood feels hot as it courses through my veins.

I whirl around to face her, my fists clenched at my sides. For a second, I just stand there, staring at her. And then I step close, take her face in both my hands and rest my forehead against hers, breathing deeply to compose myself.

It doesn’t work.

I can’t believe that one person can consume me with so many conflicting emotions. Right now, I’m filled with pure fury mingled with an overwhelming urge to pull her close and beg her to never do that again.

I stick with fury. It’s something I understand. I move away from her again. Her eyes are huge dark pools as she gazes up at me, but I won’t allow that to influence me now.

“Explain,” I snap, my voice heavy with anger and relief.