Page 60 of Ruby Mayhem

I throw on a fresh shirt, put my shoes on, then head down the hall toward the guest wing. I must talk to her.

The house is quiet, but I can hear the faint sounds of life stirring in the mansion. My security team is already up, making sure everything is in order after the interruption to our routine yesterday. I fucking hate it when our schedule is compromised.

I take a series of deep breaths as I make my way through the house, but it does nothing to ease the tension that’s coiled tight in my chest. I need to speak to Tiana, and make sure she’s okay. Tell her that she’s safe with me. That I care…


What the fuck, mudak?

The thought hits me like a sledgehammer, and my stride falters.

I care.


Why? It’s not supposed to be this way. I need to get a grip on myself. And that starts with getting things straight between us.

Reaching the door to the suite, I resist the urge to pound on it with my fist. I raise a hand and knock with as much control as I can. And then I wait.

Again, I fucking wait! I’m fucked in the head when it comes to this woman.

Seconds drag by, with no response. I knock again, gritting my teeth to maintain my composure.


“Tiana,” I say firmly. “Tiana, wake up! It is time to talk.” When I knock this time, the sound is sharp and strident. But she still doesn’t answer.

“Goddammit, Tiana!” I bark. If she makes me wait a moment longer, I’m going to kick the fucking door down. “Tiana, I-”

The door swings open a second before I can finish my sentence.

“Kirill… I mean, Mr Vyronov. Good morning.” The girl - Roxie - is standing in front of me dressed in something that looks like it belongs in the amateur section of a sex site.

“Where is Tiana?” I huff. I don’t have the patience for pleasantries.

“Ummm…” Roxie gnaws on her bottom lip.

“Where is she?” I push, looking past her into the room. The bedclothes are mussed up, and clothing is strewn about, but I don’t see any sign of my woman.

“Well… you see…” She pauses, adjusting the neckline of the red satin robe that her tits are falling out of.

“Is she in the bathroom?” It’s taking all my patience not to shout at her. “I must speak to her.”


“Then I’m going to wake her.” I push her aside and brush past her into the room. I’ve had enough of this shit.

“I mean no, you can’t speak to her.” Roxie is trailing me into the room - where I still see no sign of Tiana.

“I will speak to her. Stay out of this.” I’m really getting pissed now.

“You can’t speak to her because she’s not here.”

I stop in my tracks, halfway into the en suite bathroom. I swivel to face her. “What the fuck are you talking about?”

She sweeps an arm around the room. “She’s not here. It’s just me and you.”

“Bullshit!” It’s a stupid thing to say when the girl is clearly alone in here, but I can’t fucking believe it.